Family Support Drop-ins
coffee mornings
Every friday morning, parents and carers are invited in for a 'chat and cuppa' with our Learning Mentor, Mrs Selway.
The group is a fantastic way for parents to get to know each other and offers them a chance to communicate any worries in an informal setting.
We often have visitors in from outside of school to support parents in specific topics, such as cost of living issues.
Here's what our parents have to say...
"I like coffee morning as Mrs Selway makes it fun and interesting. The other adults who come are nice and there's always something to talk about. Mrs Selway always makes a bad situation good!"
"I love coffee morning. We have a laugh and a catch up. I look forward to it every week"
"I enjoy coffee morning because it's nice to talk to other parents and if there are any issues I can talk to Mrs Selway about it"
"I attend coffee morning to engage with Mrs Selway, to talk about things going on in the local area and to ask about any issues I may have in school. It's a perfect chance to talk to Mrs Selway as she's normally very busy!"