⭐Year 6 Mass & Leavers' Assembly - Friday 19th july - 1.45pm ⭐
⭐ inset days - 2nd & 3rd september 2024⭐
school news
End of Year Results
It is that time of year when all children complete assessments, hopefully demonstrating the great progress they have made in school. From Reception to Year 6 our results this year are fantastic. Here are some highlights of the results this year that are reported to the government and published later this year:
70% of children reached a Good Level of Development, which is above the national average in 2023. This is the first time our outcomes have been above national averages.
Year 1 and 2 Reading
83% of our children reached the expected level in their phonics check, which is above the national average in 2013. This is the first time our outcomes have been above national averages.
93% of our children reached the expected level, which is again above national levels in 2023.
Year 4 Times tables
The mean average for our children this year was a mean average of 23 out of 25 compared to 20 out of 25 nationally in 2023.
An amazing 52% of our children achieved a full score of 25 compared to 29% nationally in 2023.
Year 6
In Reading children achieved 77% at the Expected Level and 27% at Greater Depth.
In Writing children achieved 70% at the Expected Level and 7% at Greater Depth.
In Maths children achieved 70% at the Expected Level and 17% at Greater Depth.
In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling children achieved 67% at the Expected Level with 27% at Greater Depth.
All the results above are in line with national results, just below or just above resulting in 57% of our children reaching Expected Level in Reading, Writing and Maths compared to national results of 61% and 10% of our children achieving Greater Depth in all three subjects compared to 8% nationally.
What an amazing achievement for all children in these classes which is a great reflected on the success our children are having across the school.
A Truly MAGICAL Performance
This week, Year 4 put on three outstanding performances of their class text, 'Leon and the Place Between.' From a magician, to painted animals parading in the ark, to a red-eye crocodile to a solemn monkey, the show was alive with magic! The children then shared their English books with their families who came to watch. The audience were in awe of the production and we are all so proud of the children for their hard work.
Y3 Visit to Caerleon Roman Museum
On Thursday, Year 3 had a brilliant trip to the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon. The class were so well behaved and had a wonderful time exploring the museum, barracks and Roman Baths. In the amphitheatre they pretended to be gladiators and in the afternoon they became soldiers in the Roman army, armed with a sword and shield! We were so proud of them all and we had a fantastic time!
Mini Market Fun
Today, our Year 6 class took control of the annual Mini Market.
They had been working long and hard to create games, activities and stalls to share with children across the school - and a great time was had by everyone!
Upcoming Club Changes
Please be aware of the following upcoming changes to our After School Club Provision:
Monday 15th July - Choir will be running until 4.30pm
Tuesday 16th July & Friday 19th July - NO CLUBS RUNNING
We will update you of any further changes as and when we become aware of them. If you have already booked your child in for any of these sessions, they will be cancelled and refunded.
Year 4 Swimming 24/25
If your child will be moving in to Year 4 next year, they will be starting swimming lessons in September, which will continue throughout the school year.
We highly recommend using the summer break as an opportunity to take your child swimming, to get them used to changing by themselves, drying off afterwards and generally preparing them for the atmosphere of a bust pool!
They will also be going swimming as part of their Year 4 camp activities, so any extra practice they can get will be great in preparation for this!
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
To all of Reception - For having a wonderful year at school!
Year 1
Jason and Mia H - for their independent work in our Science lesson. They made books labelling how animals are different.
Year 2
Kodi & Alex - for their excellent use of expanded noun phrases to describe their monster.
Michelle - for settling into Year 2 with confidence and kindness.
Year 3
The whole of Year 3 - for their fantastic behaviour on our school trip to Caerleon. We were extremely proud of you all. Well done!
Year 4
The whole of year 4 - for their performance of Leon and The Place Between.
Year 5
Justin - for being an all-round superstar all year. He listens and responds to feedback, he tries his hardest and is modest about his achievements too!
Amber - her fabulous maths progress this year - she has gone from strength to strength!
Bethany - for being a great team player, always willing to help out others
Julian - for his outstanding maths results - what a star!
Year 6
All of Year 6 - for such a well organised and calm morning at Mini Market!
We are so proud to see how far they have come with their independence and organisation skills.
Here is a reminder of last week's wonderful winners...
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...