school news
Sports Day 2023
Sports Day last Friday was a great success, well done to all the children in Years 1 - 6 for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship. It was great to see so much enjoyment - including from the teachers in their closely fought egg and spoon race and from friends and family in the parents race!
The winner of Y 1, 2 and 3 was the blue team and for Y4, 5 and 6 it was the green team!
We are currently looking for people to join our cleaning and Lunchtime Supervisor Teams. Both roles are currently temporary but there may be the posibility of a more permanent position in the future.
If you are interested in either of these roles, please contact Miss Morse in the school office for further details
New School Year Mass
To welcome us back to the new school year, we will be hosting a Whole School Mass at the Church of Christ the King on Thursday 28th September.
The Mass will begin at 2pm so we recommend arriving slightly before this to be seated.
We hope all our families will be able to join us for this celebration of what we are sure will be a fantastic year ahead.
School Meals Pricing
Please be aware that as of Monday 25th September, our school meals will be priced at £2.70 per day.
If you have any concerns around this, please do not hesitate to speak with us and we will do what we can to support you.
If you believe your child may be entitled to free school meals, please visit to apply.
Year 3/4 Barton Camp
Years 3 and 4 went off to Barton Camp this week for an exciting night away.
The children had a brilliant time, and were so well behaved - they were all an absolute credit to our school.
We're sure they'll have lots of exciting stories to tell when they return later today - we look forward to welcoming them back to school on Monday and wish them all (and our adventurous staff) a very restful weekend!
Flu Immunisation
In the coming months, the School Nurse Team will be coming into school to administer Flu Immunisations to pupils in Reception - Year 6 ready for the winter months.
If you would like your child to receive their Flu Immunisation, please click the link below to provide consent:
We have not been provided with the official date of the immunisations yet, but will update parents as soon as this information is available.
Breakfast Club
As you will be aware, we run a Breakfast Club every day which is open from 8.00am. We would like to remind parents that breakfast service finishes at 8.20am and children arriving after this time will miss the opportunity to eat.
Please can we also remind parents that Breakfast Club sessions need to be booked in advance. Sessions can be booked through the School Gateway App (this is the preferred method) or via the school office.
After School Clubs
We are still working on our final list of after school clubs, however we can now offer the following updates:
Monday - Friday - Mini Chill Time Klub - 3.20 - 4.00pm - £2.00 per session
Chill Time Klub - 3.20 - 4.30pm - £3.50 per session
Monday - Key Stage 2 Choir - 3.20 - 4.00pm
Tuesday - Key Stage 2 Art Club - 3.20 - 4.00pm
Key Stage 1 Ball Skills - 3.20 - 4.00pm
Wednesday - Key Stage 2 Tag Rugby - 3.20-4.00pm
We will update you next week with clubs that will be running on a Thursday and Friday.
Please be reminded that all clubs, with the exception of Chill Time, are offered free of charge however they MUST be booked in advance.
Weekly Attendance Winners
A huge well done to Year 4, who have achieved 99% attendance this week! This is a fantastic achievement and as a reward they will receive a non-uniform day next week. Mr Prichard will be in touch to let you know which day this will take place.
We would also like to say well done to Years 3 & 5 who have both achieved at least 98% attendance across the week - keep up the amazing work and you may get your own non-uniform day!
Keep up the good work
We have had a fantastic start to the school year with attendance, and this week, every single class has achieved at least 90% attendance. We'd like to see this figure rising each week, so please remember to make sure children are in school, on time, every day.
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
Year 1
Babacar - for drawing a fantastic map of our route to Filwood playing fields.
Mia J - for drawing a detailed story map to retell ‘Rosie’s Walk’ by Pat Hutchins.
Year 2
Shanaya - for her resilience with her place value work. She was determined to succeed and did! Well done.
Year 3 & Year 4
For all children - for being amazing on camp and for those who were at school for displaying excellence in the classes they were in!
Year 5
Abby - for her independent use of descriptive language
Year 6
Bridie - for making independent links between the story of Moses and his mother with the story of a Ukrainian refugee and his mother
Wider Community Events
We now have a dedicated page to inform parents and families about the varius events and activities available within Knowle West and the wider community.
If you are aware of any clubs, events or activities that may be of interest to our pupils and their families, please feel free to give the details to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to add them to the page.