school news
Christmas at Speigletent
On Tuesday, our Year 1 and 2 children were treated to an extra special Christmas concert at Spiegeltent on the Harbourside.
Our pupils joined children from other schools across the city, for a very festive sing-along, and our staff also got into the Christmas spirit by taking to the stage themselves!
It was wonderful to be able to share this experience with the children, in such a beautiful setting, and they did us proud by behaving brilliantly throughout the event.
We look forward to sharing more experiences like this with our children in 2025.
Diversity at CTK
You may remember that back in the summer, we had our first 'Diversity Celebration Day'
Children came into school in cultural clothing, tried food from around the world and shared stories from their home countries.
We are extremely lucky to have a school that is made up of so many cultures and backgrounds and whilst we are very proud of the work we do to create a diverse and inclusive school, there is always room for improvement.
In the new year, children will be taking part in a 'Diversity Questionnaire' and will be able to share their thoughts and feelings on things that work well at school, and whether there is anything they feel we need to work on.
This will be a great chance for the children to create positive change around our school when it comes to diversity and equality and we look forward to sharing the results with you when they are available.
Reception Class Outing
On Monday, Reception class will going on their very first outing. They will be walking round to Filwood Library for a special Christmas story time.
They are very excited, and we look forward to sharing some pictures with you in our next newsletter!
Parking Issues
It is with great disappointment we have to once again remind parents about inappropriate parking outside of the school.
Despite numerous reminders, we still have parents parking on zig-zag lines, mounting kerbs, and stopping dangerously in the road.
This is is an ongoing and serious concern, and we cannot stress enough how dangerous parking & stopping in this way is.
There is ample space, both on Filwood Broadway and in the streets surrounding school, where parents can safely park and walk children in to school.
We would also like to ask that parents do not try to U-turn in the road outside of school during drop-off and pick-up times - this type of manoeuver causes significat traffic to back up around the school area, which can be dangerous that these times of the day.
Please be aware that should you be caught parking or stopping in a dangerous manner, your details may be passed to our local policing team.
We hope that going forward, we will have to issue less of these reminders, and parents will continue to support us in keeping our children, and all pedestrians safe outside of our school.
Racist Incidents
It is with great disappointment we have to include such a message in our newsletter - but please can parents, carers and children be reminded that racist incidents will not be tolerated at School of Christ the King.
Whilst we strive to provide a safe environment in which incidents of this nature do not occur, if you or child ever have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
After School Club Changes - Term 2 & Term 3
Please make note of the following information regarding after school clubs:
Term 2
Term 3
With the exception of Chill Time Klub there will be no clubs running during the first week back after Christmas (6th-10th January 2025)
The School Gateway App will no longer be in use, so if you need to book your child into Chill or Breakfast Club, you will need to book in through the school office.
We expect other clubs, along with the new booking system, to be up and running by the second week of Term 3.
School Gateway App
When we return to school in January 2025, after the Christmas break, we will no longer be using the School Gateway app.
Parents and carers can continue to use the app to book and pay for after school clubs and for school meals until the end of this term, but when we return to school in the new year, we will be introducing a new system.
Any remaining balances will be transferred over to the new system, however we would like to ask that parents do not make any payments after 20th December 2024.
We be sending out information on the new system in due course, and will support parents with the switch over once it's up and running.
Nursery Newsletter
Our Nursery Class have had another wonderful week...
School Nurse Visit
Next week, our School Nurse, Lianne will be joining us for Coffee Morning.
Lianne will be available to talk to parents about low level concerns they may have about their child, and will be able to offer advice and signpost to other services.
Coffee Morning runs every Friday at 9.00am and all parents and carers are welcome to join us.
Parent Governor Vacancy
As we are sure you are aware, we have a Governing Body at school who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.
We now have 2 vacancies on our Governing Body for Parent Governors. All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward.
If you would like further information please speak to Miss Morse in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions.
Admissions Consultation 2026/2027
The proposed arrangements for school admissions for the school year 2026-2027 are now available to view on our admissions page
Admissions arrangements outline how school places will be allocated at a particular school setting. This includes the school's over-subscription criteria which is used when schools receive more applications than places available.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed admissions arrangements, please contact the school office.
Awards & celebrations
Due to all the other fesitive events next week, we won't be having a Celebration Assembly on Monday, so there are no Head Teachers Awards this week.
Here's a reminder of last week's wonderful winners...
Expected Attendance
We would like to remind parents that the expected attendance for all pupils is 96%.
We understand that there may be times that children are too unwell to attend, or that there may be an exceptional circumstance that prevents their attendance - however it is important to remember that once children move below 90% attendance, they are considered Persistently Absent.
Children who are persistently absent from school are closely monitored by our attendance team, and in some cases, where attendance does not improve, families can be at risk of a Penalty Notice (fine).
We would like to work with families to improve attendance, and will do everything we can to support parents to get their children into school.
If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, please speak to our attendance team.
Winter Illnesses
As usual for this time of year, with the drop in temperature comes an increase in germs and bugs!
We're now getting at the time of year where the weather has got colder and wetter and this usually means that children are picking up more bugs, and sharing them around!
We do understand that as parents, our initial instict is to keep children at home when they are poorly, however a lot of the time, minor illnesses can be managed at school.
We recommend looking at the guidance below, which has been issued in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency and the NHS.