school news
welcome back to a new school year
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to the new school year.
We have had a wonderful start to the year, with lots of exciting things happening already!
As our Year 5 and 6 pupils set of for Deanfield Camp, our Reception Class were welcoming brand new children in to begin their school journey. We have had the pleasure of seeing our returning pupils thoroughly enjoying our exciting new playground equipment, and children have already had the opportunity to take their learning outdoors using our new giant maps!
We are looking forward to continuing the positivity and calmness we have experienced around school this week, and would like to thank parents for supporting us with the work we continue to do.
Year 5/6 Camp - September 2023
Year 5 and 6 started the school year in style this week as they headed off to Deanfield for 3 days of outdoor activities and excitement.
They had the opportunity to take part in various activities, from high ropes to river walks, as well as some VERY long walks!!
Despite some very late nights, the children were a credit to School of Christ the King all weekend and we are so glad to be able to start their school year in such a positive way.
After School Clubs
We are in the process of finalising our After School Clubs for this school year.
We are currently able to confirm:
Chill Time Klub will continue to run Mon-Fri. This club is charged at £2.00 for Mini Chill, finishing at 4.00pm and £3.50 for Full Chill which finishes at 4.30pm
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) Choir - Monday - 3.20pm-4.00pm - No Charge
Spaces can be booked on the School Gateway App or via the school office. Please be aware that children MUST commit to attending clubs for at least 1 term.
We are hoping to be able to confirm further clubs for the rest of the week on Monday. We will text details to parents as soon as they are available.
Lunch Time Clubs
The lunch time clubs will also be back up and running next week:
Ukulele Club - Tuesdays - KS2 (Years 3-6)
Spanish Club - Tuesdays - Year 2
If your child would like to sign up for either of these clubs, please speak to Miss Morse in the school office.
PE Days
To confirm, PE days for this academic year are as follows:
Reception: Wednesday
Year 1: Thursday
Year 2: Tuesday
Year 3: Tuesday & Friday
Year 4: Wednesday
Year 5: Wednesday & Thursday
Year 6: Monday and Friday
Dropping Children Off
The school car park is in frequent use leading up the start of the school day, and children wandering unsupervised in the car park and the lane is extremely dangerous. Please can parents be reminded that the school doors open at 8.40am and unless booked into to Breakfast Club, children should not be dropped off and left unattended before this time.
Bikes and Scooters
Please can we asked that parents do not allow their children to ride their bikes and scooters around the area at the front of the school at the end of the day. This is a very busy area and children riding around when there are lots of other people is a potential safety hazard. Thank you for your co-operation with this matter
Book Bags
A polite reminder that all children should be bringing a book bag to school with them every day. Book bags can be purchased via the School Gateway App, or in cash at the school office for the price of £6.00.
Please could we also kindly request that drink bottles are not carried/stored in book bags due to potential leakages!
Change in School Day Timings - September 2023
Please be reminded that the school day has now been extended by 5 minutes:
Children will now finish at 3.20pm
Secondary School Applications
If your child is in Year 6, you will be able to apply for their secondary school place from 12th September 2023.
There will be an opportunity to visit our local secondary schools in the coming weeks, and we will update parents with dates as soon as we have the information.
To apply for your child's school place, please visit
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
Year 1
For all children making a fantastic start to the year and coping really well in the hot weather. Well done!
Michelle - For showing us that she is already a team player and making a super start to our school.
Year 2
Ivan: for his excellent explanation, when sorting objects in maths.
Sydnee: for her all round brilliant week. She has worked so hard and has been a fantastic role model - keep it up!
Year 3
Reggie - For being a fantastic team player in PE. Reggie was encouraging and very supportive of his friends. Well done!
Deljin - For having a brilliant start in Year 3. Well done for setting a great example, trying hard and for making new friends.
Year 4
Rose: for making her first week at CTK absolutely fantastic. Rose has learnt new routines, created new friendships and has joined in all of the lessons.
Year 5 & 6
For all children - for displaying great teamworking, brilliant problem solving and superb independence on camp and for those who were at school for displaying excellence in the classes they were supporting!
Welcome back to a new school year and thank you to all those families who are already working hard to ensure their children are in school, on time, every day!
Please be aware of the following reminders:
Early Collections
If you need to collect your child before the end of the school day, this MUST be arranged prior to collection. You will also be asked for evidence of any appointments - without providing this, the absence will be marked as unauthorised which will effect your child's overall attendance.
Doors are open for children to come in to school from 8.40am and children should be in school ready for registration by 8.50am.
Children arriving after 9.00am will recieve late mark and those who arrive after 9.20am will recieve an unauthorise mark for the morning session. Multiple occurances of lateness can have a negative effect on your child's overall attendance and in some cases may result in a penalty notice (fine).
Breakfast Club is available to all pupils from 8.00am (charged at £1 per day for children R-Y6 and £3 for Nursery) and is a great way to ensure children are in school on time, and ready for the school day.
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...