⭐parents' evening - monday 14th & tuesday 15th october ⭐

Please contact the school office to book an appointment

school news

Yeat 6 SATS - May 2025 

As you are aware, we always request that families do not take time off for holidays during term time and this is especially important for children in Year 6 during SATs week. This school year, SATs week will take place from Monday 12th May - Friday 16th May 2024. 

Guidance from the Department for Education states that children will only have the opportunity to retake their SATs tests if they have been absent due to exceptional circumstances - this does not include holidays. Please ensure holidays are not booked during this week. 

Bristol Girls Can - Activity Campaign 

This week, our parents at coffee morning were joined by Alice from the Bristol Girls Can campaign. 

The campaign aims to get women and girls involved in more physical excercise and is supported by Sports England as part of the national 'This Girl Can' scheme. 

Alice would like to speak to parents about the barriers that may be in place in the community that stop them getting involved in sports or excercise - for example cost or availibility. She will be available to the end of the school day on Thursday and Friday of next week to get feedback about this from parents. 

If you happen to miss Alice whilst she's on site, but have any comments or ideas you'd like to share, please speak to Mrs Selway. 

Nursery Newsletter 

We've had another busy week in Nursery and our new children are really starting to settle in. Here's what the class have been up to this week...

Breakfast Club 

This week, we started our trial of free Breakfast Club sessions. Year 6 were invited to join us on Wednesday and we had a great turn out! 

Next week, on Wednesday 9th October we would like to invite all Year 5 pupils in for a free taster session. 

Breakfast Club runs from 8am daily and not only gives children a chance to enjoy a healthy breakfast with friends, it also supports attendance, ensuring children are in school on time ready to start the school day. 

There is no need to book these free sessions, children are welcome to just turn up, provided they arrive before 8.20am when the doors will close. 

We look forward to seeing lots of families using these sessions, and hopefully attending Breakfast Club more regularly. 

AWARDS & celebrations 

Head Teachers Awards 

If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm 

Year 1

Shay - For his fantastic independent retelling of our story. 

Year 2

Jason - For his deep thinking when working out the missing numbers on a numberline 

Year 3

Tariro - For her detailed explanation of how different plants have different requirements for life and growth. Well done, Tari! 

Myla, Danny and Ivan- For their thoughtful and reflective prayers for Father Michael.

Year 4

Reggie - For great English work using exciting adjectives and fronted adverbials! 

Year 5

Chloe - For getting ten out of ten in her Daily Ten, every single day, since the start of term - well done!

Daiquiri -  For his determination to improve and challenge himself in maths - keep it up! 

Year 6 

Abby & Lindsay - For working together to create dialogue to convey character between the fisherman and the stranger 



Attendance Champions 

Unfortunately none of our classes have managed to achieve 99% attendance this week. 

Remember that even lateness can effect overall class attendance, so it's really important that children are in on time for school every day. 

A reminder that Year 2 will have a non-uniform next Friday as a result of their excellent attendance last week! 

Penalty Notices Explained 

As a school, we follow the local authority guidance on issuing penalty notices for periods of unauthorised absence.

The guidance below has been issued to Bristol City Council to help explain the process of Penalty Notices, how and why they are issued, and who to contact if you have any concerns: 


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