school news

New Arbor App

As you know, we have moved away from the School Gateway App and are now using Arbor to allow parents to register for school clubs. 

Parents and Carers should have received a welcome email, instructing you to sign up for the app - however if you have not received this, you can download the app directly by selecting one of these links: 

Apple -  App Store 

Android - Google Play Store 

You will need to use the email address that you have given us, and will need to select 'Forgotten Password' to set new log-in details. 

Arbor has an introductory guide for parents available here, however if you have any queries, please speak to Miss Morse in the office and she will do her best to support you. 

As with School Gateway, the Arbor App should be used to book children into Breakfast Club and any after school clubs they wish to attend. The app can also be used to view your child's attendance and make any changes to basic records. 

Term 3 Clubs 

After school clubs will be back up and running from Monday 13th January:

Monday - Friday - Mini Chill Time Klub - 3.20 - 4.00pm - £2.00 per session 

Chill Time Klub - 3.20 - 4.30pm - £3.50 per session

Monday - Key Stage 2 Choir  - 3.20 - 4.00pm 

Tuesday -  Key Stage 1 Ball Skills - 3.20 - 4.00pm 

          Key Stage 2 Art Club  - 3.20 - 4.00pm (limited space available)

Wednesday - Key Stage 2 GIRLS Football - 3.20-4.00pm 

Thursday - Key Stage 1 Move and Groove  - 3.20-4.00pm 

Friday - Key Stage 2 Archery  - 3.20 - 4.00pm 


If you have any questions regarding clubs, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Parking Issues 

As we start a new term, please can we politely remind parents about parking outside of school. 

Parents MUST NOT park on zig-zag lines, mounting kerbs, and stopping dangerously in the road. 

This is is an ongoing and serious concern, and we cannot stress enough how dangerous parking & stopping in this way is. 

There is ample space, both on Filwood Broadway and in the streets surrounding school, where parents can safely park and walk children in to school. 

We would also like to ask that parents do not try to U-turn in the road outside of school during drop-off and pick-up times - this type of manoeuver causes significat traffic to back up around the school area, which can be dangerous that these times of the day.  

Please be aware that should you be caught parking or stopping in a dangerous manner, your details may be passed to our local policing team. 

We hope that going forward, we will have to issue less of these reminders, and parents will continue to support us in keeping our children, and all pedestrians safe outside of our school. 

Nursery Newsletter 

Our Nursery Class have had another wonderful week...

Cold Weather Safety 

We have seen some extremely cold whether this week, which has caused some dangerous conditions on the roads around school. 

Whilst we are able to grit our school grounds to make them safe for families and visitors, due to restrictions put in place by the Local Authority, we are unable to take responsibility for the roads and pavements outside of the school. 

With this in mind, please can parents remain vigilant if they are walking to and from school with their children. Please ensure children are wearing sensible footwear for the conditions, and where possible, make alternative route arrangements if normal walkways are unsafe. 

Building works - Filwood Broadway

The regeneration works are now well underway at Filwood Broadway, and so far there have been minimal disruptions to our school and families. 

Please be aware that from Monday 20th January the pavement next to the building works (on the Hartcliffe Road side of the site) will be closed for the forseeable future while the works continue  - please bear this in mind when walking to and from school and remind children that walk alone to be extra vigilant whilst crossed the roads. 

RSE Curriculum 

Following a consulation with parents last term, our full RSE Curriculum can now be viewed online. 

We are currently using the 'Life to the Full' programme, which has been produced by the Catholic education organisation, Ten Ten Resources. These materials can be accessed by clicking the logo below: 

The log in details for the parent portal are: 

Username:  school-ctk-bs4 

Password: canal-bank

The are a few small changes to this curriculum, where some topics have been slightly edited or omited in order to better suit our pupils - if you are interested in knowing what changes have been made, please get in touch. 

Awards & celebrations

If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm 

Year 1

Romeo - For always trying his best in our phonic lessons and for super improved reading. Romeo, you are a superstar!

Year 2

Babacar - for his fabulous independence in both English and maths this week 

Year 3

Luke F - for his fantastic participation and skills in PE. Well done, Luke!

Elliot - for having a fantastic first week back, you have worked so hard in every lesson. Well done, Elliot!

Year 5

Ryder - for your amazing improvement with your speed tables. You have shown incredible resilience to keep going, even when you found it challenging - keep it up! 

Year 6 

 Ivan - for being absorbed in his writing this week. Ivan will often use his own time to continue writing, looking for ways to improve it or just ensuring it is the best that it can be. 


Ways to Well-being

Our colleagues at Knowle West Health Park have shared with us some fantastic resources for achieving better mental health and well-being - check out their tips and tricks in this fantastic video...

They are also offering free well-being workshops:


Expected Attendance 

We would like to remind parents that the expected attendance for all pupils is 96%. 

We understand that there may be times that children are too unwell to attend, or that there may be an exceptional circumstance that prevents their attendance - however it is important to remember that once children move below 90% attendance, they are considered Persistently Absent. 

Children who are persistently absent from school are closely monitored by our attendance team, and in some cases, where attendance does not improve, families can be at risk of a Penalty Notice (fine).

We would like to work with families to improve attendance, and will do everything we can to support parents to get their children into school. 

If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, please speak to our attendance team. 

Winter Illnesses 

As usual for this time of year,  with the drop in temperature comes an increase in germs and bugs! 

We're now getting at the time of year where the weather has got colder and wetter and this  usually means that children are picking up more bugs, and sharing them around! 

We do understand that as parents, our initial instict is to keep children at home when they are poorly, however a lot of the time, minor illnesses can be managed at school. 

We recommend looking at the guidance below, which has been issued in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency and the NHS.