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Homework Policy


At School of Christ the King Catholic Primary, all children are involved in events and activities that link home and school. This involvement begins in EYFS (Nursery & Reception) and as the children get older the school welcomes parental support for an increasing range of tasks which the children bring home.

Aims and objectives

The role of parents/carers

Parents/carers have a vital role to play in their child’s education, and home learning is an important part of this process. The school ask parents to encourage their child to complete the tasks that are set; to help their children as they feel necessary and provide them with the sort of environment that allows children to do their best.

Parents and carers can help by:

If parents have any problems or questions about the learning tasks, they should, in the first instance, contact the child’s class teacher who will offer support. Teachers prefer parents to let them know if a child is experiencing difficulties with any tasks

Home Learning Timetable

Children will receive a range of home learning activities which will develop over time as they become more independent in their learning. Specific days will be conveyed in a timetable given to parents.