⭐Year 6 Mass & Leavers' Assembly - Friday 19th july - 1.45pm ⭐
⭐ inset days - 2nd & 3rd september 2024⭐
school news
Choir News
Last Thursday, our school choir took part in the Summer Sing Concert at Bristol Beacon.
They spent the day rehearsing with other schools from across the city and then sang their hearts out to a full audience for the evening performance!
Choir will continue to run next school year, and will be open to all children in Years 3-6! Details on how to sign up will be sent out in September and we look forward to welcoming new members to our team of singing super-stars!
Our Choir will be putting on a performance for all parents/carers and family members to enjoy on Thursday 18th July. Everyone is welcome to join us in the hall from 2.30pm.
After the performance we will be accepting donations to support our school choir and music curriculum next academic year.
Do you believe in magic?
Year 4 presents, a special performance of...
Next week, Year 4 will be showing their performance of the story that they have been using for their English work. The children have been working hard to bring the book to life, and will be performing for the whole school. Parents of children in Year 4 are welcome to join us for the performance at 2.15pm on Thursday 11th July.
Look out for the photos from the show in next week's newsletter!
Nursery & Reception Sports Day
Sports Day for Nursery and Reception Class children will be on wednesday 10th July. Children will need to come into school wearing their PE Kit on this day.
The event will be held at Filwood Sports Fields and will run from 9.20 - 10.20am. Parents are welcome to join us to watch, but must stay in the spectator areas.
Please be aware that this event is for Nursery and Reception Children only - not pre-nursery pupils. Sports Day is also subject to weather and we will confirm asap whether this will go ahead.
Mosque Visits
Children in our Key Stage 2 classes recently visited Bristol Jamia Mosque in Totterdown and part of the RE Curriculum. This was a great opportunity for them to enhance their learning and find out more about the Muslim religion.
Despite the long walk, the children had a wonderful time and we're sure they'll share their learning with you. We look forward to being able to share with them more experiences like this that show the different cultures and traditions that make up our school community.
Diversity Celebration Day - Tuesday 16th July
At CTK Primary School, we are exceptionally fortunate and proud to be part of a strong and welcoming community which is rich in culture and have therefore organised a non-uniform day on 16th July 2024 in which to celebrate this richness and diversity.
Having a day to celebrate all of our different cultures is something we wish to build on in the future as we believe it is extremely important for children to be proud of their identities and their individual cultures and to share their varied and unique backgrounds with their peers.
On this day, children are invited to come to school dressed in any cultural clothes that they may have or dress in the colours of their individual country’s flag. During this special day, children will have the opportunity to talk about their families, show off their chosen outfit and share their culture with their classmates and teachers. At the end of the day children will share their unique contribution in a whole school assembly. We are sure that the children will have fantastic fun.
Upcoming Club Changes
Please be aware of the following upcoming changes to our After School Club Provision:
Monday 8th & Monday 15th July - Choir will be running until 4.30pm
Thursday 11th July - NO MOVE & GROOVE
Friday 12th July - Archery & Mini Chill only
All clubs will be finishing at 4.00pm this day.
Tuesday 16th July & Friday 19th July - NO CLUBS RUNNING
We will update you of any further changes as and when we become aware of them. If you have already booked your child in for any of these sessions, they will be cancelled and refunded.
School Nurse Support
Please join us in welcoming our new school nurse, Lianne Jenkins to CTK
Lianne joined our coffee morning today to discuss concerns, give advice and signpost parents to further support. Lianne will be visiting again at various points throughout the next school year, so please keep an eye out for further dates and feel free to join us for coffee morning.
School Meals Pricing & Free School Meals
We have recently been informed by Chartwells, our school meals provider, that when we return to school in September, the cost of a school dinner will be increasing to £2.90 per day.
Please be aware that if your child is moving from Year 2 to Year 3, they will no longer be entitled to 'universal' free school meals and will need to begin paying for school lunches - unless they are entitled to 'means-tested' free school meals.
If you believe your child may be entitled to free school meals, you can apply online at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/residents/schools-learning-and-early-years/travel-and-free-school-meals/free-school-meals
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
Ryker - For carefully thinking about and building creative models.
Florence - For her beautifully presented innovation
Year 2
Daniella - for being such a good team player. You have welcomed Michelle into our class with such kindness and care.
Paisley - for your continued efforts in maths. You always try your best; you can explain your thinking with the class and you support others so well - well done!
Year 3
Momar- for showing Year 3 and 5 how to pray on our trip to Bristol Jamia Mosque. We are so proud of you Momar!
Maya- for using her new computing skills to write a poem at home. Well done, Maya!
Zuzanna- for her careful and creative design work in D + T. Well done, Zuzanna!
Year 4
Flynn - for having a caring presence in our school. Well done, Flynn!
Year 5
Roxy - for her stunning flower paintings.
Year 6
Jenson - for his concentration when listening in cooking and demonstrating safe cutting skills
Free Holiday Football Camps
Over the summer holidays, the Robins Foundation will be running free holiday camp sessions for children who are entitled to Free School Meals.
If your child is entitled, and you would like more information about the sessions, please follow the link: https://eequ.org/experience/8427
Keeping Safe at Community Events
With the holidays fast approaching, and lots of events planned over the summer, the Safeguarding in Education Team have put together some helpful checklists for both children and parents to help support them to stay safe whilst out and about.
These are a great tool - please feel free to download and use them as often as you need!

Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...