Nursery NEwsletters
5th - 9th February
This week we have finished our Lost & Found topic, some of the children have recorded parts of the story on some voice recorders, some of the children have used puppets to act out the story and some children have tried to read the book themselves and see if they can remember the words.
The children have loved playing with the jigsaws so we got some more this week, we now have Bluey and Thomas the Tank Engine sets too. They enjoy looking at the picture and trying to make the puzzles. Puzzles are great for hand-eye coordination, problem solving, focusing skills and learning to be patient.
Miss Maja has done an activity with the children blowing paint bubbles to make pictures. Children have to learn and then practice using their mouth muscles which will helps their speech and making speech sounds. This is why we also have sucking cups for the milk.
We have all been learning about sizes this week and using the words big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, and smallest correctly. Then sorting objects by size practically and on the computer/ipad.
If you'd like to continue at home choose 3-5 objects that are the same type but different sizes, such as spoons, or socks if you have a range of sizes across the family, or duplo blocks if you have several sizes of the same colour.
They could also play this game
This only has 4 items, so you could ask your child 'if I had a smaller/bigger one where would it go?'
Next week is half term, have a lovely time and we will see you again on Monday 19th of February.
Please see Tapestry post for some ideas of things to do in the holidays and places offering holiday activities.
29th January - 2nd February
This week we have been using the Lost & Found Story map and the children have been attempting to draw their own. We discuss the story as they draw and they try to remember as many details as possible.
On Tuesday we tried crumpets, with mixed success!
On Wednesday we did PE in the hall. We play lots of instruction games where the children need to listen and respond, but they also learn to lose and how to deal with their emotions when they don't win the games (tricky for 3-4 year olds!)
We have also looked at the book 'The Mitten', we learned about the animals in the story. The children played a game where they moved around the hall in different ways pretending to be the animals.
If you want to look at the story at home here is the author reading it
We have continued with colour yoga, it's really helpful for the children learning about feelings, it helps them to move their bodies and it's also a nice calm time which children need regularly. They've also enjoyed singing the tune over and over! If you'd like to try it at home here's the link
We have one more week until half term
I hope you all have a lovely weekend
15th - 19th January
This week we have welcomed more new children into our Nursery, our existing children have been great at making them feel welcome and showing them around!
The children explored the ice when it was very cold midweek, they have been using the climbing and balancing equipment, and making lots of different creations with the tape and scissors.
Next week we will continue looking at our book 'Lost and Found', we will look at animals who live in colder climates, and we will be comparing clothes to wear in hot/cold climates.
I hope you're all having a great weekend :)
8th - 12th January 2024
We've had a really busy couple of weeks getting all of our previous children settled back into class and their regular routines after the holiday. And we've also welcomed several new children to Nursery who are doing staggered hours with us and building up each day.
We have refreshed our knowledge about feelings by looking at the Colour Monster book and talking with the children about what to do when they feel sad/angry/hungry/tired etc.
We have been exploring using the lightbox, making marks in purple sand and having music lessons with Mrs Sofia.
Then we have started a new Topic for the rest of this half term all about ice, cold places, winter, etc
Our new book is Lost & Found, all about a boy who finds a penguin and tries to help him get home- please ask your child to tell you about the story.
I am sending out an email this week with important information please read it and let me know if you haven't received it by Friday.
27th November - 1st December 2023
Last week we were very busy rehearsing for our Nativity play! We have been trying on costumes, getting used to being on stage with the lights and singing lots of songs!
We learned more about the story of the Nativity and about our advent calendars- one with and one without chocolate!
We had a feely activity where the children had to use our sense of touch and guess the hidden items.
We filled the water trays and left them outside which gave us lots of ice to explore in the classroom at the end of the week. The children also decorated the class Christmas tree!
We re-watched goodbye summer, hello autumn as a reminder
And then we watched goodbye autumn hello winter so we could compare what was happening.
Part of our Aargh Spider story is all about family so we learned the Makaton signs for family members. If you'd like to know more please see the video below.
Singing hands- family
Our Nursery rhyme was Row, row, row your boat... with lots of different verses. Ask your child to demonstrate!
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
If you see a crocodile,
Don’t forget to scream.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the Nile,
If you see a camel,
Don’t forget to smile.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the river,
If you see a polar bear,
Don’t forget to shiver.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently to the shore,
If you see a lion there,
Don’t forget to roar!
Reminder- Please make sure your child has a warm coat every day and ideally a pair of mittens to keep their fingers warm while playing outside.
The Nursery and Reception Nativity will be on Monday 11th at 9:45am.
If you have any questions you can email
20th - 24th November 2023
This week we have been learning the Makaton actions and the pictures on our storymap for our current book Aaargh Spider!
Please show your child the storymap above and see if they can tell you any of the story or show you any of the actions.
Our Nursery rhyme this week is Head, shoulders, knees and toes... We have done a harder version where different parts are left out on each round.
If you'd like to practice at home:
We also heard the Greek version from Mrs Sofia, and I shared them the Welsh and French versions.
We had a visit from Police Officer Caroline who showed us the police van and answered some questions from Nursery. Some of the children wanted to have a go at driving the van, some wanted to try on a hat/helmet and some just wanted to hear the sirens!
We have started learning some songs for our Nativity performance
I know it's very early for Christmas songs but if you'd like to help your child practice at home here is little donkey!
13th - 17th November 2023
This week we looked at the story 'Only One Me' for Anti-Bullying week. We read the story and discussed what each page meant and then the children painted their own unique fish.
if you'd like to watch at home-
We have continued our main story about spiders, and some of the children helped me to create a spider/insect table where they can explore pictures, artefacts and information books.
We have started making a Storymap with the children but will continue this next week as we have had several children off ill this week and we don't want them to miss out!
We have been mark- making with chalks on black paper, following on from looking at fireworks earlier this month. The children had to hold the chunky chalk and see if they could copy the patterns, or create their own.
Our Nursery Rhymes this week have been-
Hickory Dickory Dock
Incy Wincy Spider
We have had a lot of children with coughs this week, please encourage your child to cough into their elbow instead of their hands as this helps us in class
Notice- We have several items of uniform donated from previous classes, they are all in good condition and we know it is often hard to find purple jumpers! If you are struggling to get uniform for your child, for whatever reason, and would like a purple jumper/cardigan, and/or a pair of trousers/skirt/tshirt/polo shirt please let me know. (on a first come first served basis)
6th - 10th November 2023
This week we made firework paintings with bright colour paint on black paper. The children enjoyed making the paint splats!
Our Nursery Rhymes this week have been Jack and Jill. (where we discussed the words 'crown' meaning the top of their heads, and 'pail' meaning a bucket)
One Little Finger
This week we have started our new book all about a spider who wants to live with a family. We have been learning the makaton signs for some of the key words in the book- ask your child to show you the sign for spider (and see if they can remember any others).
We drew spiders and talked about the shape of their bodies, how many legs they have, and how they make webs.
In our Music lessons Mrs Sofia has introduced the children to the metallophone which they have really enjoyed playing all week. We have also begun learning the songs for our Nativity play!
Next week we will continue our story and will be doing lots of lovely activities linked to spiders.
It is also Anti-Bullying week across the school so we will do some Nursery appropriate activities too.
There will be Odd Socks Day on Monday 13th if your child would like to take part and wear off socks on this day.
If you have any queries or need help you can email me on
See you next week,
Miss Griffiths