Oftsed Inspection Report 2024

As you all know, Ofsted Inspectors visited the school recently and conducted a full graded inspection.

I am proud to send home the new report which judges that the school continues to be good in all areas, with many strengths recognised. 

The inspector was really impressed with how parents, school staff, the parish and the wider community work together to give our children the best.

We hope you will all read the full report, which is being sent home today, but here are some of the highlights which reflect the achievements of this school community:

Can I especially thank all parents and carers who gave feedback via Parent View, email responses and the parents who met with the inspectors at the start and end of the school day.

I would like to congratulate all children, staff, governors and parents as we continue on our journey of school improvement.

We expect the report to be published on the Ofsted website by the end of the week.

We again thank you all for your ongoing support.

Matt Condon 
