Oftsed Inspection Report 2024
As you all know, Ofsted Inspectors visited the school recently and conducted a full graded inspection.
I am proud to send home the new report which judges that the school continues to be good in all areas, with many strengths recognised.
The inspector was really impressed with how parents, school staff, the parish and the wider community work together to give our children the best.
We hope you will all read the full report, which is being sent home today, but here are some of the highlights which reflect the achievements of this school community:
‘Pupils feel safe. Relationships are strong between adults and pupils’.
‘The school’s values of ‘friendship, kindness, forgiveness and love’ are evident in pupils’ conduct and how they treat one another’.
‘The school has an important role to play in the heart of the community’.
‘Pupils have opportunities to learn through experience and develop their independence’.
‘Pupils are polite and respectful. They listen carefully and are eager to learn’. ‘There is a calm and purposeful environment in classrooms and around the school’.
‘Children in early years settle well. They learn the daily routines quickly and follow instructions. Here, children get off to a strong start. They enjoy carefully thought-out learning and positive interactions with adults. Children play cooperatively together and develop their independence. They listen attentively and with enthusiasm’.
‘The school is aspirational for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)’.
‘Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils begin to learn to read as soon as they start school’.
‘Pupils show respect for difference and are respectful of others’.
‘Parents are very positive about the school. They value the school’s position in the community. Parents appreciate how nurturing and inclusive the school is’.
Can I especially thank all parents and carers who gave feedback via Parent View, email responses and the parents who met with the inspectors at the start and end of the school day.
I would like to congratulate all children, staff, governors and parents as we continue on our journey of school improvement.
We expect the report to be published on the Ofsted website by the end of the week.
We again thank you all for your ongoing support.
Matt Condon