school news

New Arbor App

A big thank you to all of the parents that have already signed up to our New Arbor Parent App - we've had a whopping 66% of parents logging in, which is fantastic! 

If you haven't yet had a chance to look at the app, we highly recommend doing so - not only does it support parents to book clubs and pay for meals, it's also a great tool for keeping track of your child's attendance and updating the records we keep for your child. 

Parents and Carers should have received a welcome email, instructing you to sign up for the app - however if you have not received this, you can download the app directly by selecting one of these links: 

Apple -  App Store 

Android - Google Play Store 

You will need to use the email address that you have given us, and will need to select 'Forgotten Password' to set new log-in details. 

Arbor has an introductory guide for parents available here, however if you have any queries, please speak to Miss Morse in the office and she will do her best to support you. 


Please can we politely remind parents that children should not be wearing jewellery into school. 

If children must wear earrings, they should only be wearing one pair of plain studs. Children should not be wearing hooped or dangling earrings, necklaces, rings or bracelets. 

These rules are in place to ensure the safety of our pupils, as jewellery can easily catch on other things whilst moving around the school and cause damage to both the children and property. 

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation with this matter. 

Breakfast Club 

As you know we currently have a Breakfast Club that runs every day from 8am. 

Our Breakfast Club is open to all pupils, from Nursery - Y6 and is a great way for children to start the day. 

As well as a healthy breakfast, we offer a wide range of activities for children to choose from...

We would love more children to start the day with us, so will be offering free sessions to classes over the coming weeks.

Next Friday (24th January), we would like to invite Reception Class children to join us for a free taster session. There is no need to book these free sessions, children are welcome to just turn up, provided they arrive before 8.20am when the doors will close. 

We look forward to seeing lots of families using these sessions, and hopefully attending Breakfast Club more regularly. 

Nursery Newsletter 

Our Nursery Class have had another wonderful week...

Building works - Filwood Broadway

The regeneration works are now well underway at Filwood Broadway, and so far there have been minimal disruptions to our school and families. 

Please be aware that from Monday 20th January the pavement next to the building works (on the Hartcliffe Road side of the site) will be closed for the forseeable future while the works continue  - please bear this in mind when walking to and from school and remind children that walk alone to be extra vigilant whilst crossed the roads. 

Awards & celebrations

If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm 


Bea - for planning and making her own puppets to retell the story of the Gingerbread Man. 

Year 1

Queenie - for being kind, helpful and considerate towards a new little boy in our class. 

Year 2

Tummy - for his independent use of dienes to solve subtraction questions with exchanging 

Year 3

Vicky - for her amazing focus and determination in maths. Fantastic progress, Vicky!

Kodi - for being supportive, thoughtful and kind to his classmates. You have shone this week, Kodi!

Year 4

Kaylum - for his confidence in maths. He has been shining in every lesson and is working hard to practise his times tables. 

Kiki - for working on sharing her ideas in lessons. She has been contributing to every Maths and English lesson and is always working towards a goal!  

Year 5

Chloe - for her fantastic progress in reading - Chloe is the first Year 5 this year to achieve 'Free Reader'. Well done! 

Year 6 

Victor - for his engagement and enthusiasm in our history topic - be has been totally absorbed in his learning 


Bristol Girls Can Activities

The Bristol Girls Can team are running a number of sessions in Filwood over the coming weeks. Here is what's available next week...

To book onto the sessions, visit 

For more information on Bristol Girls Can, or their work in the community visit them on Facebook or Instagram 

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The Aftermath Gym on Filwood Broadway is looking to run sessions with children who may need support with confidence and self-esteem. 

As well as learning a martial art, the sessions will provide children with positive skills to face challenges with courage and resilience. 

If you feel that your child may benefit from these sessions, please contact the Gym directly on 07967 496772 or email 

Local Community Site 

Did you know, the Knowle West community has it's very own website! 

From information about the history of the area to up and coming community events, really does have all the information you could need about living in the local community. 

As well as news on events and updates on the community, the website is also a great source of information and support. with everything from Library services to  mental health support, there is a wealth of information available, so it's definitely worth a look!