⭐parents' evening - monday 14th & tuesday 15th october ⭐
Please contact the school office to book an appointment
school news
RSE Consultation with Parents
Relationships Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum and is taught alongside our core PSHE programme.
We are currently using the 'Life to the Full' programme, which has been produced by the Catholic education organisation, Ten Ten Resources.
When we introduced this scheme parents were invited to be involved in a full consultation, so we would like to take this opportunity to touch base with parents who may be new to the school to allow them to view the materials available and have their say.
We would like to invite parents to view the materials available, and then join us for a meeting on Tuesday 22nd October at 9.30am. Please contact the school office if you would like to attend.
This meeting would give parents an opportunity to learn a little more about how this particular topic is taught.
To access the course materials, please click the logo below:
The log in details for the parent portal are:
Username: school-ctk-bs4
Password: canal-banks
Once you have viewed the materials, please contact the school office to book a place at the consultation meeting. We look forward to working with parents to support all of our pupils in this area.
School Newspaper
As you know, we have a fantastic School Newspaper that is issued at the end of each term. Our Newspaper is written by a fantastic Team of Year 6 pupils, and as we have started a new school year, we have a whole new team of Year 6's who have taken on the roles of reporters, photographers and columnists!
Our new team will be reporting on stories from around the school and community, sharing special interest pieces and interviews from pupils and staff.
Our first issue of this school year is coming soon, but in the meantime, why not check out some of the previous editions on our Pupil Newspaper Page
Upcoming Club Changes
Please be aware of the following changes to after school clubs in the coming weeks:
Tuesday 15th October:
No Art Club due to parents' evening
Wednesday 23rd October:
No Chill Time Klub due to staff training
Football club will run as normal however all children will need to be collected at 4pm
School Council
Our new School Council members have now been chosen and have received their special badges.
The team are already sharing some great ideas and we look forward to seeing their input around the school soon!
Time for Secondary School
Parents/carers of Year 6 children (born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, are reminded that now is the time to apply for their secondary school place for September 2025. To make your application:
you must complete the secondary transfer application form provided by Bristol City Council at https://www.bristol.gov.uk/residents/schools-learning-and-early-years/school-admissions/secondary-admissions/secondary-apply and:
if you are applying for a baptised child for a faith based Secondary School, you should also additionally complete their Supplementary Information Form (available on the school’s website) and provide the school with a copy of your child’s baptism certificate.
Applications MUST be made by 31st October 2024
Nursery Newsletter
We've had another busy week in Nursery! Here's what the class have been up to this week...
Breakfast Club
Our trial of free Breakfast Club sessions have been running for the past few weeks and we've had a great turn out of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils join us to see what's on offer before school each day.
Next week, on Wednesday 16th October we would like to invite all Year 4 pupils in for a free taster session.
Breakfast Club runs from 8am daily and not only gives children a chance to enjoy a healthy breakfast with friends, it also supports attendance, ensuring children are in school on time ready to start the school day.
There is no need to book these free sessions, children are welcome to just turn up, provided they arrive before 8.20am when the doors will close.
We look forward to seeing lots of families using these sessions, and hopefully attending Breakfast Club more regularly.
Storytale Festival
Bristol's Storytale Festival will take place on Saturday 26th October 2024 at the M Shed. There are events for children of all ages, including 3 creative writing workshops to fuel young imaginations, a drama worjshop, a thought provoking event with Black Lives Matter activist Jen Reid, and much more in this jam-packed and fun-filled creative day.
The full programme of events, more information and details about how to book can be found at www.storytalefestival.com
AWARDS & celebrations
Head Teachers Awards
If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm
Year 1
Lexi & Ivy N - for drawing a map of our route around the school.
Year 2
Bronson - for being brave and putting his hand up to ask a question in out RE lesson
Year 3
Muhammed and Daniella - for their thoughtful and reflective explanations linked to the Canticle of Creation. Well done!
Theo K - for being absorbed in his work and having a great attitude towards his learning. Well done, Theo!
Year 4
Jess - for being really kind to her friends in the class, always so polite and showing that she is the best she can be.
Kaylum - for trying his absolute hardest in English, proving himself and improving his own work.
Jamaica - for trying her hardest in English, coming up with brilliant adverbs and contributing to the class using exciting and adventurous vocabulary.
Year 5
Maja - for producing an amazing first part of your story. You listened to feedback and acted on it - well done.
Year 6
Frazer and Brody - for their excellent independent work in maths using the inverse to check their addition and subtraction.
last week's winners...
In Monday's Celebration Assembly, last week's winners received their certificates from Mr Condon! Well Done...
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...