school news
Parents' Evening Feedback
Thank you to all of the parents that attended our Parents' Evenings earlier this week. We had a great turn out and it was lovely to be able to share the progress our pupils are making with parents.
Whilst they were here, parents were asked to complete a 'Parent View' questionnaire to give us their views and opinions. We are pleased to share that the feedback was overwhelmingly positive...
We are very proud of these results and would like to say a big thank you to parents and carers as we couldn't do what we do without your continued support and commitment to the education and wellbeing of all of our pupils.
As you can see from above, one of the slight concerns that was raised during parents' evening was the homework that children receive. You will be pleased to know that we are looking at our homework policy in the coming weeks to ensure that all children are receiving appropraite homework for their age and ability.
We also had a concern raised about the teaching of RE, and we would like to reassure parents that all of our RE teachings follow the guidance from Clifton Diocese and the Bishop's Conference. If you do have any further concerns about RE lessons, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Purser, who is our RE Lead, who will be happy to discuss these with you.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
This week, we were treated to an extra special performance from the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra!
They joined us for a whole school assembly where they shared some beautiful pieces of music with us.
Afterwards, our Year 5 class took part in a musical workshop with members of the orchestra. There are some fantastic videos of the workshop on our school Facebook page so be sure to check them out!
The Matthew Tree Project
This term, our Catholic social teaching theme is about caring for creation. This means that we are all stewards of God's creation - we need to look after our world and all who live in it.
With this in mind, we will be supporting a local food bank, The Matthew Tree Project.
From Monday, we will have 2 collection boxed in the school office:
Food Donations - we will be accepting donations of dried and tinned foods with a long shelf life.
Clothes - Adult or children's clothes. Please ensure these are undamaged and in a wearable condition.
Thank you in advance for your support with these charitable collections.
RSE Consultation with Parents
Relationships Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum and is taught alongside our core PSHE programme.
We are currently using the 'Life to the Full' programme, which has been produced by the Catholic education organisation, Ten Ten Resources.
When we introduced this scheme parents were invited to be involved in a full consultation, so we would like to take this opportunity to touch base with parents who may be new to the school to allow them to view the materials available and have their say.
We would like to invite parents to view the materials available, and then join us for a meeting on Tuesday 22nd October at 9.30am. Please contact the school office if you would like to attend so we can make sure we have the appropraite resources available
This meeting would give parents an opportunity to learn a little more about how this particular topic is taught.
To access the course materials, please click the logo below:
The log in details for the parent portal are:
Username: school-ctk-bs4
Password: canal-banks
Once you have viewed the materials, please contact the school office to book a place at the consultation meeting. We look forward to working with parents to support all of our pupils in this area.
Nursery Newsletter
We've had another busy week in Nursery! Here's what the class have been up to this week...
Breakfast Club
Our trial of free Breakfast Club sessions have been running for the past few weeks and we've had a great turn out of pupils joining us to see what's on offer before school each day.
Next week, on Wednesday 23rd October we would like to invite all Year 3 pupils in for a free taster session.
Breakfast Club runs from 8am daily and not only gives children a chance to enjoy a healthy breakfast with friends, it also supports attendance, ensuring children are in school on time ready to start the school day.
There is no need to book these free sessions, children are welcome to just turn up, provided they arrive before 8.20am when the doors will close.
We look forward to seeing lots of families using these sessions, and hopefully attending Breakfast Club more regularly.
AWARDS & celebrations
Head Teachers Awards
If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm
Year 1
Naa - For helping a child in reception class cut up his food at lunchtime
Year 2
David - for his deep thinking when problem solving in maths
Year 3
Michelle - for her funny and entertaining persuasive letter. Well done, Michelle!
Theo L- for his excellent progress in djembe drumming. Well done for doing lots of practice at home!
Year 4
Michelle - for using her own fantastic grammar in her story.
Evie - for reading her story to Father Matt. Evie used great expression in her reading.
Korey - for using armbands and moving around the pool with his feet off the floor during our swimming lesson this week.
Year 5
Tyron - For making excellent connections and links between the creation stories and Michelangelo's depiction of God and Adam.
Year 6
Ralf - for a creative innovation of our class text, The Island. A wonderful choice of vocabulary and grammar features taken from our S-plan.
last week's winners...
In Monday's Celebration Assembly, last week's winners received their certificates from Mr Condon! Well Done...
Absence due to illness
We're now getting to that time of year where the weather is getting colder and wetter. This usually means that children are picking up more bugs, and sharing them around!
We do understand that as parents, our initial instict is to keep children at home when they are poorly, however a lot of the time, minor illnesses can be managed at school.
We recommend looking at the guidance below, which has been issued in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency and the NHS.
Childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising, with outbreaks across the country. Such infections can have a huge impact on your child’s life. They can miss out on learning time because they are unwell, be hospitalised, and even experience life-long complications and disability. If your child isn’t vaccinated, they’re not protected.
It is important for you to take up the offer of the NHS’ free childhood immunisation programme as soon as you are offered it to ensure your child has the best protection.
However, if you or your child have missed a vaccine, it is never too late to check if you can catch up. You can check your child’s Red Book to see if they have missed any vaccines or check with their GP if you are unsure. The school aged immunisation service (SAIS) is available for all children of school age, irrespective of their education setting. Your child’s GP surgery or the Local Authority Public Health teams will be able to provide contact details of your local SAIS.