Gospel Values

Our CTK Gospel VAlues 

These values were taken, by our Chaplaincy Team, from their studies of Jesus' teaching in the Gospels. In school children and adults demonstrate a strong awareness of these values and these can be witnessed in all walks of school life. 

These values are shared and celebrated in our Celebration Assembly every week and added to the 'Tree' in our school library - by the end of each year, our tree is 

July 2024 

June 2024 

May 2024 

We are currently focussing on the Value of 'Dignity' 

It asserts that every person is precious and worthy of respect and protection 

Week ending 26 April 2024 

Week ending 15th March 2024 

Week ending 1st March 2024 

Week ending 23rd February 2024 

Week ending 26th January 2024