School of Christ the King
Graduated Response
Where pupils continue to show High Level Need and the Graduated Response has been fully applied the school will request a Statutory Needs Assessment which can lead to an Education Health and Care Plan.
An EHCP highlights the support needed from age 0-25
Educational psychologist input, Paediatrician, Speech & Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Bristol Autism Team, on-going agency input
School Support with External Agencies
Personalised learning, Referrals or support from School Nurse, Bristol Autism Team, SALT, Physio, OT, Paediatrician, Counselling, Ed Psych, specialist teachers/TAs, CAMHS, Annual Reviews, One Page Profiles, Individual provision maps, multi-agency meetings with parents, support for high needs block funding (Top-Up)
School Support
(Teachers using ‘assess, plan, do, review’ to plan support for all children in their class)
Small group intervention : Numicon, Phonics booster groups, social skills, Talk Partners, daily readers, inference work, targeted spellings, Nessy, Pupil Premium interventions, 1-1 speech and language support, Learning Mentor support, Early Help, personalised behaviour strategies, meetings with parents, Reading Recovery programme, SENCo open door,
Additional interventions and support recorded on One Page Profiles
Quality First Teaching (what we offer everyone)
Quality teaching regularly monitored by SLT covering a range of subjects, whole class TA support targeting focus children, differentiation all ability learners with pitched challenge, access to ICT for word processing support, intervention from the teacher/TA to address any misconceptions on the same day, pre-teaching of vocabulary, access to full curriculum, reading buddies, AfL, classroom behaviour strategies, discussions with previous settings/teachers, transitions to new schools, parent/carer discussions, SENCO advice, visual and kinaesthetic learning materials, visual timetable, individual copies of resources, adjusted adult language, targeted questioning, SEND trained staff, pupil progress meetings, parents/teacher evenings.