inset day - friday 28th june 2024
school news
Year 2 - Master Chefs!
As part of their D & T work, Year 2 have been visiting the Square Food Foundation for hands on cookery sessions.
The lessons support the children to develop their cookery skills, improve their knowledge of foods from different cultures and promote healthy food choices.
So far, the children have had a go at trying different types of bread and dips, have cooked a healthy pasta salad and made Jollof Rice with Plantain Fritters from scratch! We hope they've been sharing their tasty treats with families at home and look forward to sharing more photo's of their cooking journey soon!
School Uniform
Please can we politely remind parents and carers about the expectations around school uniform.
We have had a number of children coming in to school wearing various levels of non-uniform recently, and as a result you may have received a text message from us to let you know.
Correct uniform also extends to school PE kit and it's important that children are wearing the correct kit on their PE Day.
We would also like to politely ask that whilst skirts are a part of our uniform, please can we make sure that they are of an appropraite length.
If there is a specific reason that your child is not wearing uniform, it's important that you let us know - we may be able to offer support with this.
For more information on school uniform - please visit our dedicated uniform page
Upcoming Football Events
Congratulations to the 8 boys from Years 3 and 4 who have been selected to represent CTK football team next week. After half term, there will be more opportunities for other children to be involved. Good luck boys!
CTK Gospel Values
If you've been into the school building, you'll have seen our Gospel Values Tree in the library area. The tree is decorated with leaves that children earn for behaving in ways that reflect these values:
We now have a dedicated page on our webite to display the leaves that children have received in assembly each week. Check out our ever growing tree here
Mobile Phones
Please can we remind parents and carers that children should only be bringing mobile phones to school if they walk to or from school alone.
Mobile phones are kept in the office during the school day and turned off, so children who are dropped off and collected have no opportunity to use them during school time, and therefore have no need to bring them.
If children bring their phones in to school and do not bring them to the office for safe keeping, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage of these items, so please ensure your child is leaving any valuables at home unless absolutely necessary.
As you may know, our School Mental Health Practitioner left us in December to start a new role. Whilst we wait for more 'in-house' support for our children and families, The Mental Health Support Team have provided us with some information for parents and carers so we can continue to support each others well-being.
Click here to check out the new sign-posting tools on our Mental Health Support Pages
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
Kerri-Leigh - for showing more independence and participating in class activities
Year 1
Zion - For always being polite and considerate. Also for taking great care when following instructions on how to draw an aeroplane.
Pablo - For doing so well in his mock phonic screening with Miss Letherby!
Year 2
Seydina - for resilience with his maths. You were able to keep going when things got tough. Well done!
Year 3
Evie - for her beautiful drawing of our class in mass. Well done, Evie!
Lillie B - for her amazing independent maths when multiplying two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Well done, Lillie!
Year 4
Mouhammad - You have shown your depth of understanding with multiplication using the grid, ladder and short method to solve tricky questions.
Year 5
Shayne and Bobby - for their fabulous independent writing developing their character through speech and actions
Year 6
Kaiden - for his scientific thinking when learning about the heart and making healthy lifestyle choices.
last week's winners...
In Monday's Celebration Assembly, last week's winners received their certificates from Mr Condon! Well Done...
Absences for Illness
As is usual for this time of year, with the cold weather comes germs and we understand that sometimes children are too ill to attend school.
However we recommend looking at the following guidance if you are unsure about whether your child is well enough to come in:
Should I keep my child off school?
Please be reminded that school always has a stock of Calpol, and can administer medication to pupils should they feel a little under the weather. Minor colds and coughs are normal childhood illnesses and should not be reasons to keep children away from school.
Please also be reminded that whilst children are welcome at school with minor illnesses, we cannot have them in school if they have suffered sickness or diarrhoea. Children should stay off of school and not return until there has been 48 hours since the last episode of illness.
There may be circumstances that we ask for medical evidence in order for us to authorise your child's absence - this may happen if the absence is for an extended period of time, or if there is a pattern of repeated illness, or if their attendance is below 92% due to other absences. If medical evidence is not provided, this may be recorded as an unauthorised absence which may result in a penalty notice (fine)
Holidays during term time
Please can we once again remind parents that they should not be taking holidays during term time. If you book a holiday outside of the designated school holidays, it is important that you complete a Leave of Absence Request Form to inform us of your plans to take your child out of school. Parents should also be aware that any holidays booked during term time will result in a penalty notice (fine).
Doors are open for children to come in to school from 8.40am and children should be in school ready for registration by 8.50am.
Children arriving after 9.00am will receive late mark and those who arrive after 9.20am will receive an unauthorised mark for the morning session. Multiple occurrences of lateness can have a negative effect on your child's overall attendance and in some cases may result in a penalty notice (fine).
Breakfast Club is available to all pupils from 8.00am (charged at £1 per day for children R-Y6 and £3 for Nursery) and is a great way to ensure children are in school on time, and ready for the school day.