school news

Bristol Beacon Winter Sing 

On Monday, our school choir headed into the centre of Bristol for their final rehearsal for the School's Winter Sing at Bristol Beacon. 

The children had a lovely, wintery walk around the harbourside before heading to the venue to join other children from schools around the city to sing their hearts out.

On the evening of the performance, we could not have been more proud of how our children performed. They sang beautifully infront a packed audience - almost 1000 people and they really gave it their all! 

We're sure that those of you who were lucky enough to attend the concert will agree, we really do have some stars in the making! A big well done to all of them! 

A Very Big Thank You! 

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their generous donations of sweets and chocolates today - we are overwhelmed! 

As you know, all of your donations are being used on the school stall at the Christmas Bazarr tomorrow, which has been organised by the Christ the King Parish. 

We hope you will be able to join us for a lovely afternoon of Christmas fun! 

School Gateway App

When we return to school in January 2025, after the Christmas break, we will no longer be using the School Gateway app. 

Parents and carers can continue to use the app to book and pay for after school clubs and for school meals until the end of this term, but when we return to school in the new year, we will be introducing a new system. 

Any remaining balances will be transferred over to the new system, however we would like to ask that parents do not make any payments after 20th December 2024. 

We be sending out information on the new system in due course, and will support parents with the switch over once it's up and running. 

Nursery Newsletter 

Our Nursery Class have had another wonderful week...

Mobile Phones and Smart Watches 

If your child is bringing a mobile phone to school with them, please remind them that it must be handed to the school office, or their class teacher for safe keeping during the school day. This also includes smart watches. Whilst we understand that children may like to wear a watch to school, and smart watches can be helpful to parents who wish to track their child if they are walking to/from school, they can be disruptive to lessons throughout the school day. With this in mind, we also ask that children hand smart watches in to the office or their teacher. 

Please be reminded that pupils should only be bringing mobile phones to school with them if they walk to or from school by themselves - they do not need a phone in school if they are collected by a parent/carer. 

Parent Governor Vacancy

As we are sure you are aware, we have a Governing Body at school who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.

We now have 2 vacancies on our Governing Body for Parent Governors.  All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward. 

If you would like further information please speak to Miss Morse in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions.

Admissions Consultation 2026/2027 

The proposed arrangements for school admissions for the school year 2026-2027 are now available to view on our admissions page 

Admissions arrangements outline how school places will be allocated at a particular school setting. This includes the school's over-subscription criteria which is used when schools receive more applications than places available. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed admissions arrangements, please contact the school office. 

After School Club Changes - Term 2 

Awards & celebrations

If your child has received a Head Teachers award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assesmbly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm 

Year 1

Alfie - for sitting beautifully and being very respectful in church for our Feast of Christ the King Mass. 

Year 2

Rayjan and Pablo - for independently responding to all their feedback in their science books 

Year 3

Ioanna & Daniella - for their thoughtful and reflective contributions in our RE lesson about how to prepare for Advent. Wonderful ideas! 

Year 4

Lillie B - for always applying herself when it comes to doing her work in lessons. Her handwriting, vocabulary and mental maths skills are brilliant

Year 5

Kamil - for always being a positive member of Year 5. You always support the team and are valued by all. 

Year 6 

Bobby - for applying himself positively to all of his learning including contributing to many class discussions 


Winter Illnesses 

As usual for this time of year,  with the drop in temperature comes an increase in germs and bugs! 

We're now getting at the time of year where the weather has got colder and wetter and this  usually means that children are picking up more bugs, and sharing them around! 

We do understand that as parents, our initial instict is to keep children at home when they are poorly, however a lot of the time, minor illnesses can be managed at school. 

We recommend looking at the guidance below, which has been issued in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency and the NHS.