
Our maths curriculum at CTK is centred around pupils securing a fluent foundation in the fundamentals of mathematics. 

Competency in early number knowledge through regular repetition of key facts will free up working memory enabling children to tackle calculation methods, moving onto more complex reasoning problems.

Early number facts example 

Bonds to 10 and Crossing 10 

Through early intervention, children are given an equal chance of success.  High-quality early maths education is especially important for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

Our nursery, our early Mastering Number programme and our use of concrete resources supports early absorption of key number facts, fostering independent learning as pupils move through primary. The addition of STEM sentences ensures an ability to explain procedures and verbalise mathematics.

STEM sentence example 

6 needs 4 to make 10

17 is made of 10 and 7 

This key foundation is built on and used throughout key stage 2 and supports the journey towards secondary as well as the permanent, life-long understanding needed for today’s world. 

Each year, to learn mathematics effectively, some things have to be learned before others, e.g. place value needs to be understood before working with addition and subtraction, addition needs to be learnt before looking at multiplication (as a model of repeated addition). Our curriculum is designed towards a consistent approach in terms of strategies and ethos, however, there is also the flexibility in resources and planning to ensure teachers can use their professional knowledge for intelligent adaptation.

Nursery and Reception are guided by the Development Matters framework  ( ) and our Mastering number programme (used from Nursery to Year 3)

Example - Year 3 curriculum overview. This is supported by other schemes and resources. ( The full schemes of learning can be found on the White Rose site along with information for parents

Link to White Rose maths scheme - overview Years Reception - Year 6     

The math’s curriculum is also closely supported by CTK’s English curriculum implementation through our systematic, progressive approach to early reading. 

curriculum highlights 

great work 

Congratulations to Rehoboth who achieved a Head Teachers award for fantastic improvement in his maths work! 

independent learning

Leela was presented with a Head Teachers award for being a fantastic independent learner and making amazing progress with bus stop division! 


Congratulations to Olivia who worked really hard and was awarded a Head Teachers certificate for her best score yet on the practive multiplication check! 

measuring up

Year 3 put their measuring skills to the test with the help of Mr Condon - some great practical experience in using their learning in the real world. He's now tall enough for the big rollercoasters! 

homework hero

Mrs Buckland printed times table practice booklets for the class and Jenson completed the whole book over one weekend!