school news
Fun at the Farm
On Tuesday, our Nursery Class went to Windmill Hill City Farm for a trip. They were able to go into a lot of the animal pens to touch and feed the animals. Some children were very brave and smoothed the animals despite being a little bit scared. Lots of children said the sheep felt 'tickly' and 'slimy' when they were feeding them.
They also had the chance to try some different herbs and plants, and smell others. The tried things like Sorrell, and chives. The latter not being to everyone's liking!
Little gardeners are what they became too, they helped the staff water the plants, sort the seeds and plant some more seeds too. Their passion, curiosity and enthusiasm was amazing to see and hear. They represented the school well and showed everyone to be kind, passionate and curious about their world. Well done Nursery Class!
Going Greek!
This morning, Year 3 brought their reading sequence to life by making and trying a Greek Salad.
A big thanks to Mrs Sofia and Ioanna for teaching the class some Greek words too!
Parent Governor Vacancy
As we are sure you are aware, we have a Governing Body at school who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.
We now have 2 vacancies on our Governing Body for Parent Governors. All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward.
If you would like further information please speak to Miss Morse in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions.
Admissions Consultation 2026/2027
The proposed arrangements for school admissions for the school year 2026-2027 are now available to view on our admissions page
Admissions arrangements outline how school places will be allocated at a particular school setting. This includes the school's over-subscription criteria which is used when schools receive more applications than places available.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the proposed admissions arrangements, please contact the school office.
After School Club Changes - Term 2
Due to the Choir Trip, there will be NO CHOIR ON MONDAY 2ND DECEMBER
Nursery Newsletter
Our Nursery Class have had another wonderful week...
Winter Illnesses
As usual for this time of year, with the drop in temperature comes an increase in germs and bugs!
We're now getting at the time of year where the weather has got colder and wetter and this usually means that children are picking up more bugs, and sharing them around!
We do understand that as parents, our initial instict is to keep children at home when they are poorly, however a lot of the time, minor illnesses can be managed at school.
We recommend looking at the guidance below, which has been issued in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency and the NHS.
We have recently been informed by Public Health that there are a small number of measels cases in Bristol and the surrounding area.
Most children will have been vaccinated against measles as part of their childhood immunisations - however Public Health have shared with us some helpful information to help spot the signs...
Awards & celebrations
We don't have any official Head Teachers Awards this week, as we will be having a special advent assembly on Monday.
However we have a very special award to share with you following an exceptional event...