⭐ inset day - 28th june 2024⭐

school news

First Holy Communion 

On Sunday 9th June, some of our Year 3 pupils, along with other children from the parish, came together to take their First Holy Communion. 

Communion means, simply, 'togetherness,' so this event is an important part of Catholic life with children showing their togetherness with God. 

The children took part in preparation sessions for a number of weeks before the ceremony, and worked very hard in the lead up to this special day - and on the day they certainly looked the part as they arrived looking marvelous! 

We hope you will join us in wishing them congratulations on this momentous occasion. 

Year 6 Leavers' Mass 

On Thursday, our Year 6 class went to Clifton Cathedral for their Leavers' Mass. 

They were joined by Bishop Bosco Macdonald and children from Catholic schools across the city for the first of many special events to guide them to the end of their time at primary school. 

During the Mass, our children were given the special honour of leading the singing for the service. This involved standing on the alter for a solo during the communion, where they sang their hearts out! 

We are incredibly proud of how well they represented CTK! 

Access to School Site 

Please can we remind parents and children that they should not be using the side lane to access the back gates before 8.30am. 

The lane is used by staff and visitors to access the car park until this time and there have been a number of occassions recently where children and adults have been in the lane whilst cars are driving in - which is extremely dangerous. 

The back gates/doors open at 8.40am so there should be no need for pedestrian access before 8.30am 

Thank you for your ongoing co-operation with this. 

Upcoming Club Changes 

Please be aware of the following upcoming changes to our After School Club Provision: 

Monday 17th June - Reception Class Construction Club Begins 

Construction Club for Year 1 has now come to an end. If your child is in Reception Class and would like to sign up for Construction Club for the remainder of Term 6, please sign up via the School Gateway App, or contact the school office. 


KS1 Ball skills will be the only club running on this date, finishing at 4pm. 

Tuesday 16th July & Friday 19th July  - NO CLUBS RUNNING 

We will update you of any further changes as and when we become aware of them. If you have already booked your child in for any of these sessions, they will be cancelled and refunded. 

Supervision of Children 

This week we have had a number of children who have been dropped off at the front of the school building and left unsupervised until the doors have been opened. 

Whilst this is not an issue for older children who may bring themselves to school, we are seeing an increased number of very young children being left unattended. 

The school doors open at 8.40am, and unless booked into Breakfast Club, we cannot take responsibility for children who arrive before this time. 

Whilst we would like to think it unlikely that children would come to any harm whilst waiting outside of school, the road becomes very busy with both traffic and pedestrians at this time of day, so please ensure that you stay with your child until a staff member lets them into the school building. 

Summer Chill Time Klub 

This summer, we would like to offer families a Summer Chill Time Klub which will run for two weeks during the summer holidays for children in the current Reception Class - Year 5. 

The sessions would run from 10am - 3pm, Monday - Friday with snacks and drinks provided - children would need to bring their own packed lunch. 

Summer Chill will run on the week beginning Monday 12th August and the week beginning Monday 19th August and children would need to book in for a whole week of activities - individual days will not be available. 

The cost for these weeks will be £72 per week and whilst this may sound like a lot, this works out as just £2.88 per hour of childcare. We will also be making no profit from these sessions. 

If you are interested in booking Summer Chill for your child, we are asking that a £10 deposit be paid via the 'payments' section of the School Gateway App so we can establish numbers. Whilst there are limited spaces for Summmer Chill, should we not meet our required numbers, the sessions will not run and all deposits will be refunded. 

Please book in by Friday 28th June - we will confirm spaces the following week and then further payments will need to be paid before the end of the school year. 


If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


 Queenie - for using great descriptive vocabulary when tasting the fruits from our story - Handa’s Surprise. 

Ivy N - for being a super author and creating her own book!

Year 1

Whole class - for their incredible effort and huge improvements in phonics. 

Year 2

 Myla and Beau - for your amazing improvement in spellings. You tried so hard and it has paid off - well done! 

Year 3

Jamaica - for her brilliant sportsmanship in PE and for setting a good example to others. Well done, Jamaica! 

Year 4

Lily-Rose - for making huge progress in her swimming. Last week, Lily conquered her fear of jumping in. Taking that leap really does pay off! 

Year 5

Summer - for her superb recall about the Bristol Bus Boycott and her ability to explain using historical vocabulary 

Year 6 

Zak - for his creative, independent model of a 3D house during computing 

Here is a reminder of last week's wonderful winners... 



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