parents' evening - monday 13th & tuesday 14th march
Please contact the school office to book an appointment
school news
Lent Fundraising
This year, we will be raising money throughout Lent for Cafod, and two breast cancer charities. We kicked things off with a very successful cake sale today and will be running a different fundraising activity every Friday until the end of term.
Friday 10th March - Penny Trail
We are asking pupils to bring in change in order to create a huge penny trail around the school playground.
Friday 17th March - Beat the Goalie
Children pay £1 and will be able to try and score a penalty against the teachers and lots of other fun activities.
Friday 24th March - Break the Rules Day
Children have the chance to break some of our school rules!! More details to follow!
Friday 31st March - Easter Egg Raffle
Raffle tickets will be sold for 20p a ticket or 6 tickets for £1.
School Clubs
Ukulele Club has now moved to Tuesday lunchtimes and is open to children in Year 3-6. To sign up can children please see Mr Condon.
After school clubs are now back up and running.
Club bookings are not carried over from last term, so please ensure your child is booked in for this term's sessions using the School Gateway App. Please do not assume they will have a space because they attended last term.
For more information on the clubs we have on offer, head to our School Clubs page
Uniform/PE Kits
Please can we once again remind parents that children should be coming into school in the correct uniforms, and PE kits on their correct day.
Children should not be wearing branded sports wear for PE, and should instead be wearing a plain white t-shirt and plain black shorts/leggings/joggers. We will make contact with parents of children who do not come to school in the correct kit, and children may also be provided with spare kit to change into.
If you would like more information about our school uniform, visit
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...
Mia H - For her beautifully illustrated story map, showing the main parts of our class story - The Bog Baby.
Year 1
Elliott and Korey - For trying really hard to independently make their own slider and lever in our Design and Technology lesson.
Year 2
Toby - his fantastic knowledge of habitats and why frogs live in our school pond.
Lilly M - for producing the most fantastic book of Spanish words, after Spanish club. Mrs Jordan was so impressed that you did this at home - Muy bien!
Year 3
Maja and Frankie- For their excellent deep thinking when learning the grid method of multiplication. Well done for your impressive work!
Year 4
Roxy - For her improvement in her times table scores and work on division.
Year 5
Kaiden - for his amazing responses in class mass. Fr Michael was really impressed with your knowledge - well done!
Year 6
Mason - for displaying great teamwork and respecting the rules of the games in PE this week