year 6 sats - tuesday 9th may - friday 12th may 

**inset day - friday 30th june**

school news 

Medical Appointments During the School Day 

Please can we remind parents that unless it is an emergency, medical and dental appointments should not be made during the school day. Where appointments during school hours are unavoidable, you will need to provide us with medical evidence (proof of the appointment) in order for us to authorise the absence. 

If medical evidence is not provided, time off school will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If there are too many unathorised absences within a certain time period, this can lead to a penalty notice (fine) being issued.

Please report any planned absences for medical appointments directly to the school office and NOT to Class Teachers or Teaching Assistants. 

Breakfast Club 

We would like to share a few reminders regarding our school breakfast club: 

World Book Day Vouchers

A quick reminder that if you've not yet had a chance to exhange your Book Token, this needs to be done by Sunday 16th March. There are some fantastic books available with the vouchers - for more details on where you can exhange them visit 

Payments for School Clubs/School Meals 

Please can we remind parents to ensure that payments for school meals and after school clubs are made promptly. You may have noticed that reminders are now being sent each Friday to those parents with outstanding balances; please be aware that non-payment for after school clubs will result in children not being able to attend and that non-payment for school meals may result in us requesting your child comes to school with a packed lunch instead of receiving a hot meal. Whilst we understand that the cost of living has affected many of our families, as a school we cannot afford to subsidise non-payment of these items. If you have any concerns around this, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Reception Class Visit to Puxton Park 

Reception class enjoyed their first school trip to Puxton Park. This term they have been learning about animals so they found it really exciting getting to meet and greet many different animals at the farm. They even got to go on a very bumpy tractor ride. They thought the cows were a bit smelly though! 

Year 5/6 Girls Netball 

The year 5 and 6 girls netball team went out to a tournament at Merchants’ Academy  this week. The girls played five matches, back-to-back, coming away with one win, one loss and three draws. There was some excellent encouragement happening on court, in particular by Miley and lots of fantastic interceptions by Ayla and Merit. Everyone played brilliantly and we will hopefully see them on a netball court again soon! 

Lent Fundraising 

This year, we will be raising money throughout Lent for Cafod, and two breast cancer charities. 

Friday 31st March - Easter Egg Raffle

There is still time to buy raffle tickets for our Egg Raffle. 

Raffle tickets will be sold for 20p a ticket or 6 tickets for £1.

Free School Meals 

If you have recently had a change of circumstance, or for any other reason think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, please visit to apply. 

Please remember that if your child is not entitled to Free School Meals, that meals are priced at £2.45 per day. Payments should be made through the School Gateway App. 



Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...


If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday 27th March to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


Whole Class - for being fantastic when we went to Puxton Park - their first ever school trip! 

Year 1 

Muhammed - For suggesting a new school rule! Every Tuesday we go to the cinema! 

Year 2 

Zuzanna - for improving her sentences and producing a fantastic information text. Well done! 

Year 3 

Harper L- for her fantastic progress in reading. Harper got 12 more marks in her Spring assessment than in her Autumn assessment! Wow! 

Year 4 

All children! For meeting our Daily 10 class target. We had 75, 10/10s this week! 

Year 5 

Logan - for her superb independent application of the steps to multiply non-unit fractions! 

Year 6 

Tiagan-Leigh & Laila - for a fantastic Chaplaincy Day at St Bernadette's - both girls made a great effort to be sociable and polite with children from other schools and engaged in all of the activities. They are a credit to themselves and the school.  


Medical Appointments During the School Day 

Please can we remind parents that unless it is an emergency, medical and dental appointments should not be made during the school day. Where appointments during school hours are unavoidable, you will need to provide us with medical evidence (proof of the appointment) in order for us to authorise the absence. 

If medical evidence is not provided, time off school will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. If there are too many unauthorised absences within a certain time period, this can lead to a penalty notice (fine) being issued.

Please report any planned absences for medical appointments directly to the school office and NOT to Class Teachers or Teaching Assistants. 

Holidays during term time 

Please can we remind parents that they should not be taking holidays during term time. We are very fortunate to have multiple half term breaks spread throughout the school year and these are the perfect time for holidays. 

As well as being disruptive to your child's education, holidays during term time will also result in a penalty notice (fine) being issued to you. The current penalty notice charge stands at £60 per parent/per child. 

The school holiday dates for both this school year and next are available in the 'dates for your diary' section at the top of our newsletter, so please use this as guidance when booking time away. 


Here are some of the fantastic things available: 

Knowle West Welcome Spaces 

Welcome spaces are open to everyone and often offer different activities depending on which one tou visit. For more information, please visit: 

Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) club

@ Inns Court Community Centre - weekly - Thursday 12:30-14:30, full. Friday 13:30-15:00.

£1 annual membership.

£3.50 each week for £10-15 worth of food

Open to all, drop in, no need to book

Food that would otherwise have gone to waste by retailers, wholesale & producers


A social enterprise at the heart of Filwood (or Knowle West as you probably know it), supporting the community with their day to day needs while helping young people struggling in mainstream education to get out into the world and learn new skills.

We're sure that Hannah will come back to visit us again soon, so if there's something specific you're looking for within the community, please come along to our coffee mornings, Friday 9.00-9.30am.