**inset day - friday 30th june**
school news
Changes to timings of the school day
From September, we are looking into adding 5 minutes onto the end of each school day, meaning the day would finish at 3.20pm and not 3.15pmn as it currently does. (These changes will not apply to the Nursery Class)
We would like to get parent's thoughts and feelings on this, so if you have any concerns or opinions, please speak to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to pass any comments to our Governing Body.
Parent Governor Vacancy
As we are sure you are aware, all schools have a Governing Body who support the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team in their endeavours to make this school an outstanding establishment where all children thrive.
We now have a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor. All parents are eligible to apply for this voluntary role and we would ask you to contact the school office if you would like your name to be put forward.
If you would like further information please speak to Miss Morse in the office who will either be able to help you or will put you in touch with the Clerk to the Governors to answer any specific questions.
Head Lice
We are once again having issues across the school with head lice.
If you notice that your child has head lice, please treat accordingly to avoid them spreading.
Whilst head lice are not dangerous, they can cause serious itching which can be a distraction and are not very pleasant.
For more information on head lice and how to treat them visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/
Warm Weather Advice
As the weather has been getting much warmer, we would like to remind parents to send their children into school prepared for the day's weather.
We strongly recommend that all children come to school wearing sun-cream and with a water bottle, which they can refill throughout the day as necessary.
We also ask that children bring some kind of hat to provide protection from the sun whilst on the playground. Please be reminded however that all items of clothing should be named to avoid items being lost.
Year 6 Leavers Mass & Clifton Visit
On Wednesday, Year 6 attended their Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral along with children from other Catholic schools across the South West. This was the first of many events in the final part of their journey with us at CTK.
They spent the rest of the day exploring Clifton and seeing some of Bristol's most well known sites. They had a fantastic time, despite the heat, and represented CTK beautifully.
Year 2 Visit - SS Great Britain
Today, Year 2 went to visit the SS Great Britain so learn about the life of Brunel and explore the famous ship.
They had a wonderful day, and we're sure they'll be able to share all they've learned with you. The class even had comments from staff at the venue to say how polite and well behaved the children were.
We are incredibly proud of the children for representing our school so well, and we hope you join us in celebrating the wonderful role models our Year 2 class are becoming as they prepare to move up into Key Stage 2.
Year 6 Fundraising
Over the next few weeks we will be running some fundraising events to raise money for our Year 6 leavers events...
Summer bundle Raffle
We currently have raffle tickets on sale for a fantastic bundle of summer fun! The prize Includes:
- Inflatable Pool
- Slip & Slide
- Throw and Catch Set x2
- Skilling Rope x2
- Bubble Wand x3
- 1 litre Bubble Solution
- Robot Fish Bubble Gun
- Party Size Instant BBQ
- Mr Freeze & Fruit Shoot Freeze Pops
Tickets 20p each/£1 per strip - on sale now from Miss Morse in the office.
Win the Teddy
Children are invited to pick a number for 50p a go for a chance to win! Children are welcome to take part from next Monday.
Elephant Raffle
Tickets are on sale now from Mrs Sims in Year 6 for a chance to win a lovely cuddly elephant!
25p per ticket or 3 for 50p
Non Uniform Day
We will be having a whole school NON UNIFORM DAY ON THURSDAY 29TH JUNE.
All children are welcome to come into school wearing their own clothes for a 50p donation.
We would like to thank parents for their ongoing support with our fundraising efforts.
If any parents are interested in supporting future fundraising, please speak to Miss Morse in the school office.
Hayfever - Administration of Medication
With the warmer weather setting in, it has come to our attention that many children at school are suffering from hayfever.
Whilst we have a small amount of antihistamine medication on site, which we are happy to administer on a 'one off' basis, should children have a flare up whilst at school, we cannot use school stock to provide them with this daily.
If your child needs to take piriton, or a similar antihistamine medicine on a regular basis, please make sure you are sending your child in with their own supply.
All medication should come to school in it's original packaging and a consent form should be completed at the school office.
Year 6 Secondary School Transition
We are now entering an exciting time for our Year 6 pupils who will soon be leaving us for new adventures at secondary school.
Natalie, our Mental Health Practitioner, will be running some Transition Groups to support children with their big move...
If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate.
Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm.
Zack - For trying really hard to communicate his ideas clearly. He shared what he likes about the world during one of our UTW sessions.
Year 1
All of Year 1 - for working extra hard on their phonics anddoing so well in their phonics screening tests this week. Well done!
Year 2
All of Year 2 - for their fantastic behaviour on today's trip to the SS Great Britain and being great representatives of our school.
Year 3
Harper G- For her deep thinking in maths. Harper has risen to the challenge when learning about fractions and even got full marks in her statistics assessment. Fabulous work, Harper!
Year 4
Frazer- for reflecting on his sound survey and articulating his understanding of noises really clearly!
Year 5
Jenson - for all his independent writing in science
Year 6
Tommy and Regshaya - for their independence in designing creative Greek mythical creatures
Early Collections
If you need to collect your child before the end of the school day, this MUST be arranged prior to collection. You will also be asked for evidence of any appointments - without providing this, the absence will be marked as unauthorised which will effect your child's overall attendance.
Doors are open for children to come in to school from 8.40am and children should be in school ready for registration by 8.50am.
Children arriving after 9.00am will recieve late mark and those who arrive after 9.20am will recieve an unauthorise mark for the morning session. Multiple occurances of lateness can have a negative effect on your child's overall attendance and in some cases may result in a penalty notice (fine).
Breakfast Club is available to all pupils from 8.00am (charged at £1 per day for children R-Y6 and £3 for Nursery) and is a great way to ensure children are in school on time, and ready for the school day.
SATs 2024
Due to the cost of family breaks during the school holidays, we understand why many families choose to take their children away during term time. We must however remind parents that booking holidays during the school term is strongly discouraged and will usually result in a penalty notice.
With this in mind, we have now been given the dates for next years' Year 6 SATs papers and would like to implore parents to not book holidays around these dates:
This is a very important time for our Year 6 children and they will have worked very hard in the lead up to it. So whilst we prefer that children do not go on holiday at all during term time, if it is essential to have time away from school, we ask that it not be around these dates.
Thank you for your ongoing support with this.
Wider Community Events
We now have a dedicated page to inform parents and families about the varius events and activities available within Knowle West and the wider community.
If you are aware of any clubs, events or activities that may be of interest to our pupils and their families, please feel free to give the details to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to add them to the page.
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...