As you can see from the graph above, our whole school attendance has really improved in the last few weeks, and has even risen above the national average! This is an amazing achievement! We'd like to see more improvements like this going forward, however we know we've had lots of absences this week due to illness. Please remember that if your child has a mild cough or cold, they are still able to attend school and we can administer medication where necessary to help relieve their symptoms. 

If you feel your child is not well enough to attend school, it is imperative that you contact us to inform us that they will not be attending school in order for us to authorise the absence. We may also ask for medical evidence, or complete a home visit if we are concerned about the legitimacy of the absence. 

Reception open events 

We still have a number or dates available to visit our wonderful Reception Class: 

Wednesday 23rd November - 3.30 - 4.00pm 

Friday 2nd December  - 9.30 - 10.30am 

If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact the school office to book a space

To apply for a Reception Class place please click below to visit our School Admissions page 

school news 

Thank you to everyone who joined us for The Feast of Christ the King Mass this morning. The children worked very hard to practice their wonderful readings, prayers and songs and it was a pleasure to be back together in church after so long. We look forward to inviting you to more events like this very soon.

Children in Need 

Thank you to everyone who donated to Children in Need yesterday. We have raised £122.50!

Year 6 SATs Week 2022

SATs Week for Year 6 will take place from Monday 8th May 2023. As this Monday has now been announced as the Bank Holiday date for the King’s Coronation, we are currently awaiting updated details on how the week will run - we will share any guidance with you as soon as it becomes available. 

 The children will be working hard in the lead up to this and we are sharing these dates with you so you are able to support us in helping your child from home. 

As you know, families are discouraged from taking holidays in term time, however please be aware that, under no circumstances, should holidays be booked for this week. Children absent due to holidays will not have an opportunity to retake these tests and this could be detrimental to their ongoing secondary education. 


We currently have an outbreak of head lice at school, with cases being identified in almost every class. We understand that head lice can be a nuisance, and while they can cause irritation and discomfort, they are not a reason for children to be missing school. 

Please be vigilant and check your child/children’s hair regularly and treat as necessary. If you do find head lice, please be sure to check everyone else in your household too. Please also ensure you are checking and cleaning shared hairbrushes/towels etc. 

For further information on head lice and how to treat them effectively, please visit 

Accessing Food during the cost of living crisis

If you are struggling to afford food at the moment, there are organisations and schemes available across the city that may be able to help. 

Food Banks - for information about food banks in South Bristol visit

Too Good To Go  - Too good to go offers food from restaurants, cafes and supermarkets at a reduced price that would otherwise go to waste 

Olio - Olio can link you to people in your own community who are giving away food

A few tips for keeping your food costs down: 

Cost of Living Support 

The rising cost of living is impacting people across Bristol in different ways. To help support people most impacted, including those who have not faced financial challenge before, the council has a cost of living support webpage: 

It provides advice and guidance on topics including housing, benefits and financial help, employment and skills, mental health and wellbeing, and provides links to useful websites and community organisations. It also includes information on the city's network of Welcoming Spaces where people can meet up, socialise, keep warm and access support relating to the cost of living crisis. 

You can also call the We Are Bristol phone line on 0800 694 0184, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm

Incidents/Concerns  in School 

We have recently had a number of conversations with parents regarding incidents that have happened during the school day. These incidents have been reported to parents at home time but not to staff at school, and therefore, not resolved. 

If your child comes home from school and shares with you something that has happened during the school day, please check with them that they have told an adult, and if so, who? 

Whilst the safety and happiness of our pupils is of utmost importance, we cannot deal with concerns children have if they do not report them to us. 

Penalty Notices (Fines) & Term Time Holidays 

Unfortunately, during Term 1, we had to issue 4 Penalty Notices to families that took holidays during term time. This is a disappointing amount, and we would like to remind parents that  children should not be taking holidays during term time. 

If you need to take your child out of school during the term, it is essential that you complete a leave of absence request form to inform us of this. Holidays will not be authorised and will result in a penalty notice  - this is a fine of £60 per child/per parent. 

New guidance from the Education Welfare Service also states that families that take holidays consistently each year, will bypass penalty notice procedures and be referred directly for prosecution. 

Absences for other reasons will be looked at on a case by case basis and authorisation will be dependent on your child's current attendance and attendance from previous years. Unless absences are for an exceptional circumstance, it is likely that they will also be unauthorised which means you may also be at risk for a penalty notice.  Please be aware that we may ask for evidence of exceptional circumstances. 

Also, from now on, if we have reason to believe that your child’s reason for absence is not legitimate (for example you have told us your child is ill, but we have been advised you are actually on holiday), we will investigate this. This may mean that home visits are carried out during the absence period to establish your child’s whereabouts.


Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...

headteacher awards

(And Football!!)

The FIFA World Cup Quatar 2022 starts this weekend, and Monday 21st November will see England's first match against Iran. 

As this is an event that only comes around every 4 years, we thought we would give children the opportunity to watch the match here in school! 

This means that there will be no Celebration Assembly on Monday and as a result, there will be no Head Teacher Awards. 



There's so much going on in Knowle West! 

The Knowle West Alliance and Knowle West Media Centre, along with many other charities and business, work together within our community to make it a inclusive and inviting place to be. 

If you are interested in the events going on in our community, click the image below to visit the Knowle West Community Website.