**inset day - friday 30th june**
school news
Year 6 Secondary School Transition
We are now entering an exciting time for our Year 6 pupils who will soon be leaving us for new adventures at secondary school.
Natalie, our Mental Health Practitioner, will be running some Transition Groups to support children with their big move...
Parking Measures - Safer Routes to School
As you may be aware, we have had few incidents of inappropraite parking at school during drop of and pick up times. To help tackle this, as part of the Safer Routes to School scheme, Bristol City Council are proposing the introduction of Pencil Bollards to the footway outside of school.
The proposal documents can be found below, and any comments should be emailed directly to Bristol City Council at road.safety@bristol.gov.uk by Monday 19th June.
Administration of Medication
As you are aware, we always try to support families by adminstering medication to pupils where necessary.
If your child takes regular medication, and there is a change in dosage or timings, it is essential that you inform us and complete a new form so that staff are aware of the change.
Head Lice
We have had reports of head lice in multiple classes across the school.
Whilst head lice are not dangerous, they can cause serious itching which can be a distraction.
If you notice your child has head lice, please treat accordingly to avoid them spreading.
For more information on head lice and how to treat them visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/
Chicken Pox
As you may be aware, we have had a number of cases of chicken pox in Nursery and KS1 classes.
Chicken pox is a common childhood illness and should not give cause for concern, however it is important that if your child has them, they are kept away from school for 5 days from the onset of the rash and do not return until the spots/blisters have dried up.
For more information on chicken pox, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/
Early Collections
If you need to collect your child before the end of the school day, this MUST be arranged prior to collection. You will also be asked for evidence of any appointments - without providing this, the absence will be marked as unauthorised which will effect your child's overall attendance.
Holidays during term time
Please can we once again remind parents that they should not be taking holidays during term time. If you book a holiday outside of the designated school holidays, it is important that you complete a Leave of Absence Request Form to inform us of your plans to take your child out of school. Parents should also be aware that any holidays booked during term time will result in a penalty notice (fine).
SATs 2024
Due to the cost of family breaks during the school holidays, we understand why many families choose to take their children away during term time. We must however remind parents that booking holidays during the school term is strongly discouraged and will usually result in a penalty notice.
With this in mind, we have now been given the dates for next years' Year 6 SATs papers and would like to implore parents to not book holidays around these dates:
This is a very important time for our Year 6 children and they will have worked very hard in the lead up to it. So whilst we prefer that children do not go on holiday at all during term time, if it is essential to have time away from school, we ask that it not be around these dates.
Thank you for your ongoing support with this.
Wider Community Events
We now have a dedicated page to inform parents and families about the varius events and activities available within Knowle West and the wider community.
If you are aware of any clubs, events or activities that may be of interest to our pupils and their families, please feel free to give the details to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to add them to the page.
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...