**inset day - friday 30th june**

school news 

Year 6 Secondary School Transition 

We are now entering an exciting time for our Year 6 pupils who will soon be leaving us for new adventures at secondary school. 

We are working with our local secondary schools to arrange transition activities and will keep you posted of dates as we have them. Here are some helpful dates we are aware of so far...

For children attending Oasis Daventry Road: 

Staff from the new Oasis Daventry Road site will be visiting children in school on Thursday 25th May and parents are welcome to come in to school at 3pm to discuss transition and ask any questions they may have. 

For children attending St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School: 

Year 7 Induction Evening - Wednesday 28th June - 6pm 

Year 7 Induction Days - Wednesday 5th or Thursday 6th July (parents will be contacted by the school directly to be told which date their child should attend) 

Chicken Pox 

As you may be aware, we have had a number of cases of chicken pox in Nursery and KS1 classes. 

Chicken pox is a common childhood illness and should not give cause for concern, however it is important that if your child has them, they are kept away from school for 5 days from the onset of the rash and do not return until the spots/blisters have dried up. 

For more information on chicken pox, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/chickenpox/ 



Due to the cost of family breaks during the school holidays, we understand why many families choose to take their children away during term time. We must however remind parents that booking holidays during the school term is strongly discouraged and will usually result in a penalty notice. 

With this in mind, we have now been given the dates for next years' Year 6 SATs papers and would like to implore parents to not book holidays around these dates: 


This is a very important time for our Year 6 children and they will have worked very hard in the lead up to it. So whilst we prefer that children do not go on holiday at all during term time, if it is essential to have time away from school, we ask that it not be around these dates. 

Thank you for your ongoing support with this. 


If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


 Tillie - for always making a great effort in maths. 

Year 1 

Theo - For fantastic improved reading.  We are so proud of your efforts in school and at home. 

Year 2 

Kaison - for working so hard on practicing his phonics and making amazing progress over the past few weeks. 

Year 3 

Dogan- For making amazing links between the reading sequence and his learning in Science. A brilliant explanation, Dogan! 

Year 4 

Alfie - For independently demonstrating an excellent understanding of how to add different amounts of money. 

Year 5 

Emily - for her independent selection of a suitably informal 'register' in her instruction writing 

Year 6

Declan - for his excellent contributions in our Maths lessons this week where we have been learning valuable and practical life skills to do with money. He managed to explain investments to the whole class! 

Tianna - for her absorption and focus in her writing this week. Through listening and following instructions, she is producing an excellent descriptive and emotive narrative.



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