**inset day - friday 30th june**

school news 

Year 6 Fundraising 

Over the next few weeks we will be running some fundraising events to raise money for our Year 6 leavers events. 

We will be kicking this off with a NON UNIFORM DAY ON THURSDAY 29TH JUNE. 

All children are welcome to come into school wearing their own clothes for a 50p donation. 

Free School Meals 

As you are aware, all children in Reception - Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. 

At this time of the year, we like to ask parents of Year 2 children to go online and check their Free School Meal Eligibility ready for Year 3 in September. If your child is not entitled,  you will need to start paying for school meals when they return to school after the summer break. 

We recommend that all families check their entitlement to Free School Meals before the start of a new school year. 

To apply, please visit https://parent.bristol.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/parents/travel-and-free-school-meals

Warm Weather Advice 

As the weather has been getting much warmer, we would like to remind parents to send their children into school prepared for the day's weather. 

We strongly recommend that all children come to school wearing sun-cream and with a water bottle, which they can refill throughout the day as necessary. 

We also ask that children bring some kind of hat to provide protection from the sun whilst on the playground. Please be reminded however that all items of clothing should be named to avoid items being lost. 

Music Lessons 

We are looking into the possibility  of offering music instrument lessons in school and wondered if there was an appetite for a particular instrument? 

There are some schemes available that offer small group lessons for as little as £77 for a double term (£7 per week) so if your child is interested in learning an instrument, please let us know and we can look into making these experiences available. 

New Curriculum Pages 

We have been doing lots of work on our website, and you may have noticed there have been some changes to the 'Learning' section and that there is lots more information available now! 

If you've not yet had a chance to check it out, take a look at the new areas here: 

We will be adding more curriculum pages and information soon - watch this space! 

Year 6 Secondary School Transition 

We are now entering an exciting time for our Year 6 pupils who will soon be leaving us for new adventures at secondary school. 

Natalie, our Mental Health Practitioner, will be running some Transition Groups to support children with their big move...



If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


David and Mia J - for creating a detailed fruit face and sharing their knowledge of healthy and unhealthy food. 

Year 1 

Alex, Ivan and Fama- for showing movement in their pastel pictures of ballerinas, in the style of Degas! 

Year 2 

Tadeusz - for his fantastic retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk 

Year 3 

 Lily B, Lily R and Chloe- for bringing in fantastic pieces of artwork from home, inspired by our learning about Yayoi Kusama. Well done!

Year 4 

Liliana and Angel - for making huge improvements with their swimming. Both girls have become more and more confident and are now swimming with enjoyment rather than fear. 

Year 6

Anta - for being a wonderful teacher when she went to Reception Class and spoke to the children about the Muslim Faith 

Fidel - for his excellent, heart-felt acting of Theseus in our English lesson learning the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur 


Early Collections 

If you need to collect your child before the end of the school day, this MUST be arranged prior to collection. You will also be asked for evidence of any appointments - without providing this, the absence will be marked as unauthorised which will effect your child's overall attendance. 


Doors are open for children to come in to school from 8.40am and children should be in school ready for registration by 8.50am. 

Children arriving after 9.00am will recieve late mark and those who arrive after 9.20am will recieve an unauthorise mark for the morning session. Multiple occurances of lateness can have a negative effect on your child's overall attendance and in some cases may result in a penalty notice (fine). 

Breakfast Club is available to all pupils from 8.00am (charged at £1 per day for children R-Y6 and £3 for Nursery) and is a great way to ensure children are in school  on time, and ready for the school day. 

SATs 2024

Due to the cost of family breaks during the school holidays, we understand why many families choose to take their children away during term time. We must however remind parents that booking holidays during the school term is strongly discouraged and will usually result in a penalty notice. 

With this in mind, we have now been given the dates for next years' Year 6 SATs papers and would like to implore parents to not book holidays around these dates: 


This is a very important time for our Year 6 children and they will have worked very hard in the lead up to it. So whilst we prefer that children do not go on holiday at all during term time, if it is essential to have time away from school, we ask that it not be around these dates. 

Thank you for your ongoing support with this. 


Wider Community Events 

We now have a dedicated page to inform parents and families about the varius events and activities available within Knowle West and the wider community. 

If you are aware of any clubs, events or activities that may be of interest to our pupils and their families, please feel free to give the details to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to add them to the page. 


Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...