school news

Raising Concerns 

We often hear through the grapevine that parents or children are unhappy at school. Quite often, we are unaware of these issues, and therefore unable to deal with them. 

The safety and wellbeing of our pupils is of the utmost importance to us so if there has been an incident or issue at school, it's important that you report it to us so we can work with you to resolve any problems. 

All of our  KS2 classes have a 'Worry Box' that children can use to report concerns to us quietly if they do not feel comfortable talking to an adult - these boxes are checked regularly and we endeavour to resolve worries as soon as possible. 

If you feel that an issue has been raised, but not dealt with, please contact the school office so we can continue to support you and your child. 

Smoking on/around school site

Please can we politely ask that parents avoid smoking and vaping at the front of the school site when dropping children off and collecting them. 

We have had a number of complaints recently about parents smoking directly outside the gates, which can be unpleasent for passers-by, as well as damaging to health. 

We would also like to remind parents that they SHOULD NOT be smoking whilst at the back gates during drop off/pick up time. This is part of the school site, and smoking is prohibited whilst on school grounds. 

Thank you for your co-operation with this issue. 


Please can we remind parents and carers that dogs are not allowed on school site. 

We understand that it can be nice to bring your dog along for a walk on the school run, but please be aware that even if your dog is not being brought onto school grounds, lively or loud dogs outside the school date can be distressing to some children.  

We have recently had reports of dogs jumping up at children or becoming aggressive whilst outside the school gates so we would like to politely ask parents to be vigilant if bringing their dogs to school and where possible, keep them on a short lead to avoid incidents of this nature.

Year 3 & 4 Barton Camp - September 2023 

As you know, Years 3 & 4 will be heading off to Barton Camp in the third week of September. We will send out full details and kit lists when the children return to school after the summer break, but to give you a little extra time, here is a brief outline of what your children will need to pack: 

After School Clubs - Friday 14th & Friday 21st July 

Please be aware that there will be no after school clubs (including Chill Time Klub on Friday 14th or Friday 21st July and all children will need to be collected at 3.15pm. 

If you have booked on to any sessions, these have now been refunded onto your child's School Gateway Account. 

Head Lice 

We are once again having issues across the school with head lice. 

If you notice that your child has head lice, please treat accordingly to avoid them spreading. 

Whilst head lice are not dangerous, they can cause serious itching which can be a distraction and are not very pleasant. 

For more information on head lice and how to treat them visit 


Attendance Briefing - Friday 14th July 

If your child has attendance of 92% or under, you may be invited into school for an information attendance briefing next week. Please keep an eye out for any letters your child may bring home. 

Penalty Notices (Fines) - Guidance for Parents 

As you are aware, it is our policy as a school to issue penalty notices (fines) for ongoing poor attendance or holidays during term time. 

The Departments for Education has recently released some helpful information for parents through their 'Education Hub'. It's important that parents are aware of why fines are given, and how you can avoid receiving them by supporting your child's school attendance. 

To read this guidance, and for further information about school attendance, please visit:


If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


 Arlo - for engaging in our reading sessions and trying his best

Year 1 

Ivy - who was nominated by her friends for always being kind and helpful  

Year 2 

        Vinnie - for a fantastic start to his time at School of Christ the King. He has settled in so well.              Keep it up! 

Toby & Zuzanna - for their considered response to the meaning of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Well done! 

Year 3 

 Dogan- For his resilience and determination when completing his maths assessments. Amazing progress, Dogan! 

Year 4 

Bobby - For making a great start to Year 4. He has developed friendships and become happy and confident with our routines. 

Year 5

Freddie - for his great progress in his recent maths test! 


Wider Community Events 

We now have a dedicated page to inform parents and families about the varius events and activities available within Knowle West and the wider community. 

If you are aware of any clubs, events or activities that may be of interest to our pupils and their families, please feel free to give the details to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to add them to the page. 


Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...