school news

CTK: A year in review 

We have had another wonderful year at School of Christ the King, and it has been a pleasure teaching and growing with each and every one of our pupils. 

This year the children have had the opportunity to take part in lots of exciting experiences - from local stream walks to visits to Roman settlements in Wales - and we look forward to being able to offer many more experiences like these next year. 

As well as our off site visits, we've seen some fantastic learning within school, and are incredibly proud of the acheivements and the progress the children have made this year and we are sure they will continue to do us proud as we move forward into next academic year. 

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our families and members of the community who have continued to support us this year, we look forward to building these relationships further into next academic year. 

Please enjoy our CTK Highlights 22/23 as we wish you a happy and safe summer break...

Year 5/6 Camp - September 2023

As you know, Year 5 and 6 will be heading off to Deanfield camp on the first day back. Please take note of the following reminders: 


During the Summer Holidays, our lovely Year 3 TA Miss Newick will be getting married!!

This week, Year 3 class presented her with a beautfully crafted 'wedding cake!' which we're sure is just as beautiful as the real one will be! 

We hope you'll join us in wishing her and her future husband all the very best for their big day, and we look forward to welcoming her back as Mrs Sims in September. 

Change in School Day Timings - September 2023 

When children return to school in September, our school day will be extended by 5 minutes every day. 

Children will now finish at 3.20pm 

Reminders for September

A few little reminders to all parents and carers for when we return to school in September...

Could we also please remind parents that they should not be dropping children into the school car park for Breakfast Club. This is a high traffic area during that that time of the morning, and as it is not the designated entrance for Breakfast Club, staff are often unaware that children are there. 

Mini Market & Fundraising 

Thank you to everyone that supported our Year 6 class fundraising for through the Mini Market earlier this week, and to everyone who purchased raffle tickets to raise money for their Leavers Prom! 

Mini Market raised nearly £500 pounds, and £130 was raised through the raffle. Well done to Harper G who won the Summer Bundle in the Prom Raffle and to Leela-Mai and Lilanna who won the Mini Market Raffles!! 

Staffing & Class Organisation 23/24

Following your child's transition afternoon within school, you may already be aware of our staffing structure for next year. To confirm, here is our class teacher structure for September: 

The children have already had the opportunity to meet their new teachers and we're sure they've shared their excitement with you. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers at our October parents' evening, however if you have any queries before then please contact the school office. 

Summer Reading Challenge 2023

This afternoon, the children had a visit from Bristol Libraries to talk about the Summer Reading Challenge.

This year's challenge is called 'Ready, Set, Read' and is open to ALL CHILDREN. 

For more information, and to sign up, visit

Goodbye and Good Luck 

As we say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 class, we hope you will join us in wishing them the very best as they start their Secondary School Journeys. 

It has been a pleasure to have them and watch them grown into the wonderful young people they are. We are incredibly proud of them and all of the successes they have had as members of the CTK family 


100% Attendance Champions 

We would like to say a HUGE congratulations to the following children for achieving 100% attendance this year. They have not missed a single day of school since September and as a result have received a special reward in this afternoon's assembly!

Well done to Ivan (Y1), Tyron (Y3), Ivan (Y4) & Merit (Y6)

We would also like to say well done to Michelle (Y2), Manna (Y3) and Fidel (Y6) for achieveing 99.5%

Penalty Notices (Fines) - Guidance for Parents 

As you are aware, it is our policy as a school to issue penalty notices (fines) for ongoing poor attendance or holidays during term time. 

The Departments for Education has recently released some helpful information for parents through their 'Education Hub'. It's important that parents are aware of why fines are given, and how you can avoid receiving them by supporting your child's school attendance. 

To read this guidance, and for further information about school attendance, please visit:


South Bristol Summer Newsletter FINAL.pdf

There are lots of exciting activities happening throughout the community over the summer. Check out our 'wider community' page below for details 


Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...