school news
Please be reminded that children should only be wearing CTK PE kits into school for their PE lessons (white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers/leggings). They should not be wearing branded tracksuits or other gym wear. If your child does not have the appropriate kit, please send them in to school in their normal school uniform.
If you would like to order your child a PE kit with the school logo on, you can contact our uniform supplier at 0117 963 6669 / info@SHClothing.co.uk
Strike Action - Wednesday 1st February
We can confirm that we do intend to open for certain classes, due to expected adequate staffing. The classes that we currently expect to open as normal are:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
For classes not listed above (Nursery, Year 5 and Year 6), we can not currently confirm if those classes will be closed or not. Because of this, we do advise that parents begin to make arrangements for their children to not be in school on this day. It is possible that the situation could change and we will keep you updated between now and Wednesday 1st February.
Where classes are expected to be closed, we will be able to offer a small number of places following the government's guidance on ‘Vulnerable Children and Young People’. In these small number of cases we will contact parents directly over the next two days. A link to the criteria set can be found here - See Annex A - Vulnerable Children and young People
Contacting Chill Time Klub
If you have a child attending Chill Klub and need to speak to a member of staff after 4pm, we now have a dedicated phone line that parents can use. You can dial the main school number and press 3 to be put through to Chill Time. Please be aware this line should only be used if you need to contact staff as a matter of urgency and should not be used for general calls when there is no one available in the office.
Reception Reading Sessions
A big thank you to all of the parents who attended our first reading session with Reception Class this week - we had a great turn out and it was wonderful to see so many parents being involved with their child's learning.
If you missed this week's sessions, don't worry! The sessions will be running every Wednesday from 8.40-9.00am and all parents of children in Reception Class are welcome to attend. We hope to see even more parents next week!
Year 5/6 Boys Football
The 5/6 boys played their final round of matches on Thursday. They played as a team against some very tough opponents, showcasing their skills. Well played boys! Special mention to Kalvin in Year 5 who supported and encouraged all of his teammates, and Zak in Year 5 who scored his first ever CTK goal!
Next week, the girls will have the opportunity to play competitive games against other schools so keep an eye out for letters home!
Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...
headteacher awards
Darcy - for being really helpful, explaining our class rules to new adults in the class. She is a great role model to others - well done!
Year 1
Myla - for always cheering us up with a smile and a kind hug and for having fantastic manners when having her lunch.
Sydnee and Elliott - for trying so hard in the phonics lesson and improving their letter formation.
Year 2
Maya - for amazing independent work on symmetry - Well done!
Year 3
Mouhammad, Lily B and Kamil - for their fantastic pieces of artwork inspired by volcanoes. They all developed their skills in making secondary colours, adding white and black to make different hues. Well done!
Year 4
Abby and Rory - The children have been a fantastic team during English this week, supporting each other and sharing ideas.
Year 5
Reggie for his excellent use of the steps to solve addition and subtraction with different denominators.
Year 6
Everyone that attended the M Shed Visit - The children showed fantastic behaviour and great enthusiasm around extending their knowledge!
They have once again achieved 99% attendance this week!! This means they have earned another non-uniform day next week. Mrs Rowland will be in touch to confirm with parents when this will be.
This is a great achievement and we hope to see more high attendance figures like this across the school soon!
Please be reminded that the school day begins at 8.50am and doors are open to pupils from 8.40am. If your child arrives after 9.00am they will received a late mark for the day.
If your child arrives after 9.20am they will receive an unauthorised absence mark for the morning session. A number of unauthorised absences can lead to a penalty notice (fine) so it's important that children arrive at school on time every day.