strike action update

Dear parents and carers,

As you will know, strike action is planned by the National Education Union (NEU) for tomorrow - Wednesday 1st February.

I can confirm again that we do intend to open for certain classes, due to expected adequate staffing. The classes that we currently expect to open as normal are:

I can also confirm, we are unable to open the following classes tomorrow: Nursery, Year 5 and Year 6  

Where classes will be closed, we have been able to offer a small number of places following the government's guidance on ‘Vulnerable Children and Young People’. In these small number of cases we have already contacted parents and carers to organise this care. 

Free School Meals

If your children’s class is closed and your child is entitled to Free School Meals, we will be able to provide a packed lunch, which can be collected from the school office tomorrow morning after 10.30am. Please contact the school office by 9.30am tomorrow morning if you would like your child to receive a packed lunch.

Online Home Learning

For children not in school tomorrow, our website has a wide range on online learning resources that children can enjoy learning from. All of these resources can be found under the tabs Learning/Home Learning, although direct links can be accessed here:

Can I thank you all for your cooperation and understanding at this time. 

Yours sincerely 

Matt Condon
