school news 

Updating Personal Information

Please can we remind parents that if they update their phone numbers or email addresses, or move house, it is essential that you let us know. 

If we do not have the correct contact information for you, not only may you miss out on important school information, it also means we are unable to contact you in an emergency. 

Please also remember to let us know if any of the details for your emergency contacts change, or if you would like to add or remove anyone from your emergency contact list. 

Y5/6 Girls Football

This week’s team of 5/6 girls showed great team spirit and huge commitment to making CTK proud - and what a great job they did! Four games played and after warming up, there were lots of fantastic goals and some superb goalie skills with a special shout out to the player of the tournament: Anta! Thank you to all the parental support and the positive encouragement from the sidelines, it was clear it meant a lot and kept the girls goin

Head Lice 

We have had a number of reports of head lice in various classes across the school. 

Nits are a very common occurrence among school age children, and whilst they aren't harmful, they can cause discomfort and distraction, so it's important that they are treated as soon as you notice them.

For more information on head lice, and how to treat them visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/ 

Knowle West Alliance 

This week we had a visit from the team at Knowle West Alliance to talk to us about their 'Welcome Spaces' and the support that is available to members of the community. We were amazed to hear just how many wonderful things there are available in the area! We highly recommend taking the opportunity to visit https://www.knowlewest.co.uk/welcomingspaces/ to check out some of the things on offer. 

As well as their Welcome Spaces, Knowle West Alliance are also able to source a variety of support and advice for parents and families. The team will be at our parent's coffee morning on Friday 3rd March (9.00-9.30am)  to talk to parents about their needs, the needs of the community, and what kind of support is available, especially during the cost of living crisis. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. 


Mrs Buckland, our school Maths Lead, has shared some recommendations on websites and apps that can be accessed from home to help support children with the maths curriculum...

Times Tables Rock Stars/Numbots is now up and running again. Thank you to those parents who noticed it wasn't available from home.  All children from Year 1 to Year 6 have a log in. 

Please ask your child's teacher if you need help logging in. 


Doodle Maths  learning is an amazing resource which can be accessed at home and is tailored to your child's ability level to help them improve their maths skills


 1- Minute Maths

1 minute daily sessions. It can be used on any device. Suitable for ages 4-7



Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...

headteacher awards


Amber - for always listening on the carpet, following instructions and trying her best. She is doing really well particularly in her maths lessons. 

Year 1 

Hendrix - for trying really hard this week to settle and focus in class without allowing himself to be distracted. Well done! 

Year 2 

Kiki - For using her retrieval skills to write about the Shabbat. Excellent work! 

Year 3 

William- for his work on using capital letters for proper nouns. Excellent independence, William! 

Dogan- for his enthusiasm and engagement on our trip to Filwood Library. He set a great example with his behaviour. Well done, Dogan! 

Year 4 

Hadi- for using the grid and ladder methods accurately to solve multiplication questions. 

Year 5 

Bridie - for clearly explaining the steps in fractions to her partner, helping both of them with their fractions.  


Year 6 

Ayla - for consistently trying your best, listening in class and starting work when asked first time. You are a great role model for the rest of the class with this excellent attitude - well done and keep up the good work. 


Unfortunately we have no Attendance Champions this week, with none of our classes achieving 99% attendance. 

A couple of classes came close, however due to medical appointments during school time, they just missed the mark! Please remember, where possible, to book medical appointments outside of the school day.



Filwood re-development 

As you may have noticed, there's lots of work going on around Filwood Broadway and we're expecting to see big changes to the area. As part of the development, Year 2 and Year 6 met with Bristol City Council this week to talk about plans for the play area and put forward ideas on what the children of the community would like to see. 

Work will also be happening around the Multi Use Games Area and Knowle West Alliance and Bristol City Council are interested to hear what our young people would like to see happen to this space.  If you would like to have your say, or find out more information about the developments, there are a number of upcoming events open to the community...