⭐ inset day - 28th june 2024⭐

school news

Reception Class September 2024 

Emails have been sent out by the Local Authority with offers of Reception Class places for September 2024. 

If you have applied for a place for your child in September, please be sure to accept the offered place through the email - the deadline to accept school places is Tuesday 30th April. 

If you are having difficulty accepting the place via email, please speak to Miss Morse in the school office who will be happy to support you with this.

Collecting Children Early 

Please can we remind parents and carers that they should not be arriving to collect children early without informing the school office before hand. Where possible, we do ask that appointments are made outside of the school day. 

Please be aware that there may be certain times of the school day where children are taking part in activities that they cannot be removed from (for example assemblies or church visits). If you arrive to collect your child during these times, and we were not expecting you, children will not be released until the activity is finished. 

Community Support 

Most of you will already be aware that we work closely with our Community Policing Team to ensure that Christ the King is a safe place to be for both our pupils and the wider school community. 

You may recognise Kyle as our local PCSO 

Kyle works closely with staff and pupils, and following some of the troubling news effecting our community recently has done additional work with some of our older pupils around keeping safe whilst 'playing out.' 

He will be in school more often over the next two terms doing work with classess across the school. Please do say hello if you see him! 

Celebrating Diversity 

As a school we are lucky enough to have families from all around the world, and we embrace the diversity and culture that this brings to our school.

We always strive to respresent this diversity, whether it be through special assemblies, music or through our teaching and learning, but now we need your help...

If you would be interested in supporting us in planning a celebration of the different cultures represented in our school please get in touch with Mrs Jordan via the school office. 

World Day for Cultural Diversity will be taking place during May and we'd love to have some input from our families on how we can celebrate what makes CTK such a special place! 

Parking and Dropping Off 

Unfortunately, we once again need to remind parents about parking during drop off and pick up times. 

Parents and Carers should not be parking on the zig-zag lines under any circumstances. Not only is it extremely dangerous, as it obstructs the view of other road users and pedestrians, it is also illegal, and drivers caught parking in these areas will be reported to our local community policing team. 

Parents and Carers should also not be stopping in the road and allowing children to jump out of the car. 

There is plenty of parking available on Filwood Broadway allowing parents to safely walk their children in to school. 

Thank you for your co-operation with this matter and supporting us to keep all of our children safe. 


Our Year 6 netballers had a bust first week back with a trip to the Small Schools Finals! 

They played some tough apponents and enjoyed an afternoon in the sunshine - well done girls for representing CTK brilliantly! 

Master Chef! 

This Wednesday, Mr Condon put on his apron and cooked breakfast for our eager Year 6's! 

In the lead up to their SATs, Year 6 will be invited in every Wednesday morning at 8.00am for a relaxed breakfast - we hope as many of them as possible will join us! 


If your child has received a Head Teacher Award this week, you are welcome to join us for Celebration Assembly on Monday to help them celebrate as they are awarded their certificate. 

Please arrive at school at 2.40pm ready for assembly to start at 2.45pm. 


Janelle - for making an excellent start settling in at our school.

Alfie - for following instructions - he has had a great first week back!

Year 1

Stanley - for his super set of instructions on How to grow a magic Beanstalk.

                 Melody and Antoni - for their super illustrations and understanding for some people who had a  connection to our local area a long time ago.

Year 2

Daisy - for completing all her work and taking part in all of her lessons this week! 

Year 3

Cianna- for her fantastic reading assessment score. We are so impressed with Cianna’s amazing progress this year. Well done, Cianna!

Mareme- for her brilliant cooking skills in D+T and for being a supportive friend to help others. Well done, Mareme! 

Year 4

William - For being engaged in all of his lessons and contributing to class discussions. 

Year 5

Rubie - for her excellent use of decimal place value in maths - she really turned it around! 

Year 6 

Joey - for his excellent, descriptive persuasive writing about visiting Mediterranean countries

Kaiden and Ella - for achieving full marks in practice SATs tests - huge well done, keep it up!

Do you have our school app yet? 

The School Gateway app is the best (and cheapest) way to stay in touch with us here at CTK. 

Not only can it be used to book children into clubs, it's also a great messaging service. 

Text messages, whilst useful, cost us a lot of money to send and we're sure you agree, we'd rather spend our budget on more resources and opportunities for our children.  So, going forward, we're going to utilise the app more, to avoid sending as many text messages. 

If you've not yet downloaded the app, you can find it on GooglePlay and the App Store under School Gateway. Here's a handy guide to get you started....


Without the app, you might miss important information going forward, so we strongly encourage all parents to sign up - it's completely free and a great way to stay in touch!! 


Amazing Attendance 

A big well done to Reception Class who have achieved 98% attendance this week! 

 They would have achieved 100% attendance and been rewarded with a special non-uniform day, however there have been a few instances of children arriving late, after the registers have closed. 

Please be reminded that even if your child is here everyday, if they arrive after 9.20am, not only are they missing valuable learning time at the beginning of the school day, they are marked as 'unauthorised' for the morning session. 

Term 4 Attendance Rewards


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