Reception Spaces september 2023

The application deadline for Reception Class spaces for September 2023 is Sunday 15th January. 

If you, or someone you may know is interested in joining our Reception Class, please visit


school news 

Breakfast Club

As you know, we run a Breakfast Club for pupils which runs from 8am every morning. 

Breakfast Club is very popular and we must remind parents that it is ESSENTIAL that parents book their children in to the sessions. This is to ensure that we have the correct number of staff to cover the club, and ultimately ensure the safety of the children who attend. 

If you do not book your child in for a session, and send your child in to Breakfast Club, you will still be charged for the session. 

If you need support in booking your child into clubs, or are unsure if your bookings have been successful, please do not hesitate to contact the school office who will be able to assist you. 


Please can parents be reminded that children should not be wearing jewellery into school. 

If children would like, they are welcome to wear one pair of small plain studs - hoops or dangly earrings are not acceptable as they pose a health and safety risk. 

School are also unable to take responsibility for the loss or damage of jewellery that has been worn into school, so please ensure expensive items are kept at home.   


Please can parents once again be reminded that they should not be parking on the pavements outside of school when dropping off/picking up children. 

This includes the times around Breakfast Club and After School Clubs. Although these times may seem quiet, children will still be using the pedestrian walkways, as will members of the wider community. Parking on pavements not only causes an obstruction to pedestrians, but is also extremely dangerous. 

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation with this matter. 

After School Clubs 

We currently offer a number of after school clubs to pupils across the school: 


Ukulele Club - Years 5 & 6


Basketball Club - Years 3-6 


Multi Sports Club - Years 1 & 2 


Chess Club - Years 4-6 

Archery - Years 4-6 

All clubs run from 3.15pm - 4.00pm and are free of charge to all pupils - there is the option for pupils to attend Chill Time Klub after these clubs and this will be charged at an additional £2.00.  Clubs should be booked through the School Gateway App. 

For more information about any of our clubs, click the link below :

New Clubs Coming Soon....

Key Stage 1 Spanish Club 

For pupils in Years 1 &2. Spanish Club will run during Tuesday lunchtimes (1-1.30pm) 

If your child is interested in joining, please speak to the school office, 

School Choir 

Mr Condon and Mr Purser will be starting a school Choir this term. Full details will follow, please keep an eye out! 

Year 5/6 Boys Football 

The Year 5 and 6 boys football team began their competitive games last night at Imperial Sports Ground. This year, we have entered two teams, with lots of games played over the next three Thursdays. Even better, the boys played in our brand new kit! The boys played in fantastic spirit, playing different positions and for some boys, playing for the first time. Mr Prichard and Miss Harvey were proud of them all, despite feeling very cold! Thank you to all of the parents and friends who came to support the boys. 

Look out for information about the football opportunities for boys and girls in other year groups soon.  


Click the buttons below for up to date information about various areas of school life...

headteacher awards


Ripley - for firstly always being such a kind, caring friend to everyone in the class, secondly for making incredible progress with her reading! 

Year 1 

Paisley - For fantastic work in phonics and super improved reading

Year 2 

Gloria - for her fantastic independent maths work, recognising and labelling sides and vertices of 2D shapes. Brilliant job! 

Year 3 

Year 3 - Lily R- for being brave by making lots of effort to put up her hand and join in with discussions in class. She gave particularly amazing answers in maths during mastering number and did excellent independent work on multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Keep it up, Lily! 

Year 4 

Filip and Shayne - Both children used fronted adverbials in their writing, after learning the new skill. They shared their work with the class as models of excellence! 

Year 5 

 Bridie -  for her independent following of the steps in maths which helped her to crack adding fractions 

Year 6 

Angelos and Miley - for their informative and well presented non-chronological reports about London’s Tourist Trail 

